Excluding the "demented ones", Russell Investments' Tim Noonan, told the audience assembled at a secret Auckland location this week, old age isn't half as bad as popular culture makes it out to be.
Half-way through his next sentence it dawned on me that Noonan wasn't referring to hordes of angry, letter-to-the-editor-writing octagenarians, but making a technical point.
It was very early, just past dawn in fact, and his meaning seeped slowly through my morning fog. Noonan was saying most of those who make it into old age without dementia (which affects half of Americans aged over 85, according to the internet) are "hale".
That 'hale' threw me for a few seconds, too, but I caught his drift: this is good news for the undemented longer-lived. (Noonan was also optimistic that a dementia retardant, or even cure, wasn't that far away.)