When you are asked: "what do you do?", you are really being asked: "what are you?" That's why the answer is likely to be "I am a teacher" and not "I teach".
If you reply that you are retired, the real answer is that you are nothing. You play no part in commercial life and hold no interest to those still on the treadmill of commerce.
For middle-aged men like me who define ourselves by what we do, this can be traumatic. Overseas studies show that retirement, especially involuntary early retirement, accelerates mental decline and is associated with depression, ill health and early death.
Contrast this with the vibrant Rupert Murdoch, 80, still on the frontlines of his vast business empire, or Warren Buffett - a year older than Murdoch - the eternal business sage.
Compounding the social isolation that comes from being forced to exit the workforce before we are ready are the economic consequences of no longer being in the rat race.