We know you can't eat ghost chips but that could very well be all the chips you're having as New Zealand has been threatened by a nationwide potato shortage, already dubbed a "chipocalypse".
As if this merciless wet winter had been hard enough on everybody, it also impacted potatoes with farmers struggling with lost crops.
Potatoes have rotted under the wet ground over winter and the conditions have also meant that new crops have gone in late because the soil has been so wet.
About 20 per cent of New Zealand's annual potato crop has been affected by the wet winter and the shortage could last well into the new year, with New Zealanders worried they might not be making much Kiwi dip for their summer BBQs (or, heaven forbid, have to dip some other vegetable in it).
Potato New Zealand boss Chris Claridge today said that while it is true that the crops have been wiped out by bad weather, there is no shortage looming.