Cavalier Corp says the business is at risk of breaching its banking covenants if it can't sell more carpet this year or achieve higher prices.
The firm, which today confirmed a $16.8 million net loss after $6.8m of write-downs, said conditions remain "challenging" but it believes it remains a going concern and can meet its contractual obligations.
"This going concern relies on future forecasts which are sensitive to sales volumes and margins and subject to material uncertainty if these forecasts are not met," the board said.
In its financial statements, the board notes the company is assuming an increase in carpet sales volumes and woollen carpet pricing of 9 per cent and 4 per cent respectively in the current financial year. It also expects a wool price - scoured and delivered - of $4.08 per kilo.
"Keeping all other assumptions constant, the group would likely breach its financial covenants if the group was unable to achieve an increase in sales volumes of 4 per cent or, alternatively, an increase in sales price compared with the financial year ended June 30," it said.