Result: 11 per cent improvement
Youth Not in Employment, Education or Training (NEET)
This is an indicator of "at risk youth". It measures the percentage of 15 to 24 year olds who are not in education, employment, or training. (Source: Department of Statistics)
Result:17 per cent improvement
Crime reported per 100,000 people
There has been a substantial and steady reduction in crimes reported to Auckland's three police districts since 2010. (Source: NZ Police)
Result: 21 per cent improvement
Graffiti complaints received
This measures the number of incidents of graffiti reported to Auckland Council and removed by Councils contractors each year. Rapid removal of graffiti is intended to discourage repeat offers and reduce the frequency of this anti-social behaviour. Note: data has only been available for the three years from July 2012 to June 2015
Result: 26 per cent improvement
Housing affordability index
This compares Auckland's average household income/average house price ratio with the national average (set at 100). Auckland's housing affordability has deteriorated compared with the national average. (Source: Massey University)
Result: 23 per cent deterioration
Housing supply (number of new dwelling consents)
Measures the number of new dwelling consents lodged with Auckland Council each year. The logic is that there is a very close relationship between consents lodged and dwelling completions. Consents lodged have more than doubled since 2010.
Result: 145 per cent improvement
2. Fixing Transport
Public transport
For reducing congestion on the region's roads, facilitating more concentrated employment in major employment areas and reducing the per-capita investment in required transport infrastructure, a greater uptake of public transport is needed. Public transport patronage growth is well ahead of forecasts.
Result: 20 per cent improvement (rail up 43 per cent, bus up 16 per cent, ferry up 15 per cent)
Expenditure on Cycleways
Local and national cycling experts have repeatedly told Auckland Council that to increase the number of commuters, school children and recreational cyclists, investment in safe dedicated cycleways is needed. Cycleway investment has improved markedly since 2010 and is budgeted to significantly increase further.
Result: 49 per cent improvement
Time lost to congestion lowers economic productivity and the quality of life of road users. It is the primary factor holding Auckland back from achieving even higher scores in international liveability surveys. Various traffic management investments have seen congestion drop in Auckland over recent years. Population and economic growth, however, is likely to make such reductions unsustainable. (Source: NZTA)
Result: 10 per cent improvement
Expenditure on Roads
Operating expenditure on local includes the costs of operating and maintaining the local (non-state highway) road network, as well as the costs of borrowing for new infrastructure. Auckland requires investment in an efficient road-based transport network for growing freight and people movements, as well as a corridor for utilities. (Source: Auckland Council)
Result: 27 per cent improvement
3. Our Economy
GDP per capita
GDP is a measure of the value of economic activity (production or expenditure) within a set of borders within a period of time. It is a guide to whether an economy is growing or not. GDP per capita is an important measure for an economy that is also experiencing population change. For example, if population growth is higher than GDP growth, it suggests that production or expenditure per person is shrinking. Auckland's GPD per capita is growing.
Result: 14 per cent improvement
Jobs (total employment)
Employment data indicates whether Auckland is creating jobs fast enough to deal with population growth and the resulting number of people entering the workforce. If employment growth is not sufficiently strong, unemployment will rise.
Result: 12 per cent improvement
Incomes (average weekly personal income)
There is a range of income statistics. Weekly personal income is one that is measured across all income sources, people easily relate to it and it is readily available from Statistics NZ
Result: 10 per cent improvement
Commercial Accommodation (total guest nights)
Commercial accommodation provides a measure of both the health of the visitor/tourism economy and the degree to which Auckland business connects to the rest of New Zealand and the world. Growth in guest nights, high occupancy rates and consents for large hotel investments suggest this part of Auckland's economy is doing very well.
Result: 20 per cent improvement
4. Our Environment
Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Diesel and Petrol Sales)
Diesel and petrol sales are used as a proxy for overall greenhouse gas emissions and represent a source of such emissions over which Council has influence through its transport investments. An example is the recent investment in electric trains. (Source: Local Authority Fuel Tax Data)
Result: 1 per cent deterioration
Marine Water Quality
Auckland Council carries out regular testing of beaches and marine areas around the Auckland Region. This measure shows the percentage of tested areas showing fair to excellent water quality over multiple tests.
Result: 4 per cent improvement
Freshwater Quality
Like marine areas, the region's streams are also frequently tested for organic and inorganic contaminants.
Result: 21 per cent deterioration
Air Quality
Regular sampling of air quality is performed around the region, particularly urban areas. Soot-like particle measures have been chosen because they are a particular health risk and as a proxy for a broader range of air born pollutants.
Result: 4 per cent deterioration