Solid Energy's seen the taxpayer taking the biggest bath ever, since the Beehive embarked on the state owned enterprise model almost 30 years ago.
The only energy being created by the company in recent years has been the taxpayers' dosh going down the plughole. And the only thing solid about the company was its ability to grow debt, with bad business decisions, and drive down the value of the company which not too long ago was valued at three and a half billion bucks.
Read more:
Who will buy struggling Solid Energy?
Larry Williams: Solid Energy outcome inevitable
Solid Energy's now worth nothing to the taxpayer, even the $130 million the Beehive burglars poured into it a couple of years ago, won't be recovered and neither will the sale of what remains of the company. Any money garnered from that will go to the banks who lent big time to Solid Energy, more than three hundred million bucks, with the encouragement of the Beehive.
They're at the front of the creditors' queue, the taxpayer's not even joining it.