It's happened to the best of us. Despite our better judgment, once alcohol enters our system, we want to talk to people we shouldn't be contacting in an altered state, whether it's professional colleagues or ghosts of boyfriends past.
Several apps purport to keep drunken technological interactions to a minimum - which may come in handy as the New Year ball drops along with your inhibitions.
Drunk Mode (free, iOS and Android) says it doubles as both a party app to help you find folks to hang out with, and a safety app to ensure you don't lose track of those friends and can find a way home that doesn't put you or others at risk. It has plenty of bells and whistles: There's the "breadcrumbs" feature that creates a timed map that traces where you were the night before; the ability to add drinking buddies so you can find them via GPS; a way to share your current location; options to call various driving services or to find walking directions to your friends' locations.
To avoid drunk texting, the app will block certain phone contacts for up to 12 hours. You can remove the block before that time only by solving a math equation (for example: 571 + 332 + 57).
The real problem? Drunkenly contacting someone remains easy because the app is effective only for calling, which few people do anymore.