On average the room is occupied for about two and a half to three weeks in the month.
Typically his guests would be young and travelling to Brisbane from countries in Europe and Asia.
"We have made friends from all over the world and we learn about different cultures," he said.
However, while renting their spare bedroom can bring in a nice bit of extra money, Glann stressed that there was a lot more to it than just having a spare bed.
"The biggest thing is cleaning, even if you just have a guest for one night
you have to re-clean the whole house," he said.
"You definitely get faster at it, but you have to like cleaning, or at least tolerate it."
But it's not just renting out spare rooms where savvy Australian's are turning the sharing economy into a lucrative side-earner.
According to finder.com.au, Aussie's are earning an average of A$7,300 each year in their spare time, with the most lucrative option being an Uber driver.
Finder's money expert Bessie Hassan said the "sharing economy" was helping Aussies to earn big.
"How much you make is dependent on how hard you work but the research shows it can be very profitable," she said.
"The sharing economy has taken off in Australia and it's seen as a legitimate way to boost income.
"It may not make you rich but it could be enough to pay for an extra holiday or boost your savings account."
The research found one in three adults with a full-time job also had a side hustle, with 17 per cent of Australians renting out spare rooms, seven per cent driving for Uber and six per cent running errands for others.
But if none of those options appeal to you, the good news is there's never been a better time to start up a side hustle thanks to the recent explosion of the sharing and gig economies.
Love animals? Become a dog walker or pet minder like Carey by signing up to local sites like Pawshake or Mad Paws.
Enjoy weddings and public speaking? Train to become a celebrant.
You can even sell your skills as a resume writer or editor, tour guide or even a matchmaker these days.
- Additional reporting news.com.au