Advertised salaries grew at a rapid pace in the year to November, rising 5.1 per cent annually compared with last year, according to Seek.
Seek’s Advertised Salary Index (ASI) - which measures the growth in advertised salaries for jobs posted on its website - showed quarterly growth in November was slowing, at an increase of 1.1 per cent compared with August’s quarterly growth of 1.3 per cent.
“The New Zealand labour market remains strong but has cooled in recent months. This is reflected in the Seek Advertised Salary Index, which shows a slight slowdown but still a rapid pace of growth overall,” said Rob Clark, Seek country manager.
“Despite the strong growth, advertised salaries are still not keeping pace with inflation, which is running at 5.6 per cent.
“For Kiwis feeling the pinch from the cost of living, this data confirms that advertised salaries are still growing rapidly, and one of the best ways to get a pay rise is to get a new job.”