Awards inspire good businesses to enter into a process of self-evaluation, reflection and continuous improvement to develop into excellent businesses. This rigor and commitment has proven to be invaluable regardless of the outcome - with Auckland businesses returning to compete in following years, using what they have learned previously.
Here are the six top reasons why Auckland businesses value entering the Awards:
Self-review. You want to know if you are on the right track, following best practice and meeting core principles. Entering helps you to sharpen your game, complete a SWOT, reflect and identify 'where to from here?' It is useful just going through the process and realising your achievements.
Benchmarking. Competition allows you to compare yourself with peers, scrutinise your business, to step back and to get feedback from the judges. You can measure up against others, push out from being insular and learn from others. You'll find out how you're doing and it's often better than you think. The awards process also helps to highlight that you're not alone in the challenges you encounter daily in
your business.