I don't think so. I was really into saving the world.
What is the most important thing to the Kowtow label?
Sustainability and ethics for sure.
You live between London and Wellington?
Yip. It's quite difficult really. But, I wouldn't have it any other way. I've got my partner in Prague at the moment, my child in Australia and I'm in New Zealand doing business.
Who in business do you admire the most?
Recently, I think Jane Goodall is the one that has spoken to me most. She's 82 and travels 300 days of the year.
What's your biggest sacrifice for success?
I really don't think that I have got one. I think everything's just got bigger and better in my life.
What's one thing we don't know about you?
Well, I met my partner in India for one day and we had and amazing romantic love affair and then over Skype decided to have a child and three months later I was pregnant.
What's your greatest extravagance?
It's definitely flying. I fly a lot.
The one trait you think a successful business person needs?
I think perseverance and determination, but also mixed in with passion. You can't do one without the other.
Couture or Street?
I think both. I get inspiration from both.
Kate or Megan?
Oh, definitely Megan.
Fashion forward versus Fashion faux-pas?
I don't think that you can summarise it in such a blanket statement, because surely every trend just keeps coming around and around.
Do kiwi women wear too much black?
I don't think so. I think that's a myth that's been broken.
One world that describes your brand?
Recycled fishing nets?
Yup that's what our swimwear is made from that we've just launched.
Who gave you the greatest piece of advice?
I think my mentor. You've just got to keep going and keep going bigger and better. You can't stop.
And if there was one item that you love the most in this collection which is it?
Come over here. The Elda Jacket.