Latest FromBrand Insight

China’s gold rush: its effects on us
China's gold buys, the limp US$ and conflicts mean gold is “hot”.

Forestry seen as modern investment
Kiwis have been slow to see potential but that could be changing.

Villages where you can keep your cat - and your capital
Multi-talented 81yo: pets vital in retirement villages.

Congestion charge has health impact
Overseas cases show benefits to health, environment, roads: experts.

Navigating the ‘decade of uncertainty’
Gold shapes as the ultimate safe haven in these turbulent times.

“Fair” retirement villages penalised
Govt review could hurt villages already helping residents profit.

Putting the “prove” in provenance
Scientists ensure Kiwi food exports are quality, safe & desired because they come from NZ.

The clean energy NZ hasn’t embraced
Wind turbines at sea could help meet high future demand: experts.

Gold beats property as an investment
Investor says gold outperformed property over the last 25 years.

Digital orchard will bear fruit
New technologies to help produce food in the face of big issues.

Making capital gains in retirement
The "Sally Army" major whose village decision made him money.

Healthy land for healthy food
Key NZ research aims to provide more food, more sustainably.

Wine sector gets climate 'message'
Industry thinking about the future as big changes loom.

The retirement villages where residents profit
Karaka Pines Villages: where residents get the capital gains.

Auckland house given to good cause
Transport project frees houses/materials to "circular economy".

How to turn Yellow into gold
Don't skimp on marketing in a downturn: renovation specialists.

Insects key weapon against food wastage
Feeding waste to flies (and flies to fish) new move against waste.

World facing “financial abyss”
Rush to gold ideal protection against hard times ahead: expert.

NZ’s worrying digital gap
But small tourist operators are one industry bucking this trend.

Fighting the ‘motherhood penalty’
Law firm takes a new approach to parenting and whānau support.

Big plus for NZ schools and govt agencies
Agreement with print tech giant Canon saves college thousands.

The pressure on NZ’s infrastructure
Planning vital as more key projects likely this year.

Need for programmatic infrastructure approach
‘Critical friend’ sorely needed for NZ's infrastructure deficit.

Can your electric car be hacked?
Possibly - but more threat to chargers & networks, experts say.

Don’t give yourself a pay cut
Taking a break from KiwiSaver could cost way more than you think.

Decades that can bring delight
From your 20s-60s, organising your financial life really pays off.

The silver lining in falling markets
Today's cheaper assets can increase returns in the future.

Make the most of KiwiSaver in 2023
There are some simple steps to take to optimise your investment.

A financial road map for 2023
K-shaped recovery will bring novel investment opportunities.

Print system counters office threats
Kiwi company can run 'on the fly' with secure, in-house print capability.

City suburb’s light rail dream
Project is about more than transport; cultural hub idea floated.

This is how more people can own EVs
Clever new business models may help more people into EVs.

Kiwis seek alternative to working extra hours to match OECD productivity average
Hard-working New Zealanders would have to work an extra ten hours a day

How light rail will change lives
Māngere leader says planned rail line will create new freedoms

A clearer path to the cloud
Step-by-step cloud transition can bring benefits, experts say.

Covid propels a council into the future
Transformative technology sees council adapt quickly.

The real benefits of light rail
Auckland's new tunnelled rail network to meet demand up to 2070.

Beware of counterfeit gold
Gold is an ideal asset but not all of it is pure, warns investor.

Small business lessons for attracting and retaining staff
Employers battling through the 'Great Resignation'

How NZ tops Australia - again
Aussie wheat is the best? Think again says research group.

Tiny wasp's sci-fi star role
Horror movie parallels in the use of nature to control unwanted horticultural pests.

What lessons can small business owners learn from Canada?
Small business owners have the benefit of foresight about what might be in their future

Ukraine war hits investors
Demand for gold through the roof as war - and rising inflation - create anxiety.

Where would we be without bees?
Honey bees threat overstated – but new research is protecting colonies.

Bid to lift NZ's standards in maths
Extra online tuition offered as global tests show startling decline in results for Kiwi's

How to cushion the coming financial fall-out
Shares, property and crypto are falling & inflation rising. What do investors do?

The food problem NZ should not have
'Shocking stats' revealed as NZ aims for a target of zero carbon emissions by 2050.

Govt biggest problem in "clothing carbon"
Fashion & clothing create more emissions than air & ship travel combined.

The problem with NZ homes
Construction industry urged to go green to counter its 'profound' effect on the...