Reporter, NZ Herald
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Mā'ohi Nui exhibition explores the Tahitian diaspora in New Zealand
Exhibition reminds Kiwis that Tahitians are very much part of the fabric of Aotearoa.

'People would look at me with disgust': Man says health system failed him for 30 years
"You could just tell by their body language that they didn't want to help."

Our Ocean Conference held in the Pacific, indigenous methods to tackle climate change
Minister for Pacific Peoples Aupito William Sio represents NZ at the climate-change event.

Adopted Māori woman told she was Pākehā her entire life
A story of institutional violence, Dr Huhana Hickey talks about her stolen identity

'Left a mark on a generation': MPs pay tribute to Dr Moana Jackson
Labour Minister Willie Jackson mourns the loss of his mother and uncle in the same week.

Day 2 of Polyfest: Māori and Samoan stage performances kick off
Polyfest is a space that celebrates cultural identity on a competitive stage.

Polyfest goes digital as 50th anniversary of event nears
The 47th celebration of Polyfest will be livestreamed.

'I loved that man': Leaders pay tribute to Sir Wira Gardiner
"For someone that walked with so much greatness, he was a humble man."

Te Whānau o Waipareira: What makes Māori-led initiatives work?
"Our success factor is that we connect on a community level."

Fuel prices and cost of living: What does it mean for rural Māori communities?
Kawerau workers expect to spend a lot of their income just to get to and from work.

Pacific peoples paid less than Pākehā across New Zealand
For every dollar a Pākehā man makes, a Pacific woman makes 73 cents.

Te Rina Triponel: Protesters are ignoring tikanga – and that's dangerous
Convoy 2022 protesters add Māori activist Tame Iti to a hit list.

Conversion therapy ban: Activist shrugs off death threats
'I told myself that I can and I will ban conversion therapy. And last night, we did.'

Woman claims she lost her job because of her OnlyFans account
'In my eyes, I did nothing wrong' - woman claims her dismissal was unfair.

'Boys can cry too': Mental health campaign aims to normalise vulnerability among men
Male mental health movement 'Soften Up Bro' are calling on men to embrace their emotions.

Dawn Raids: 'All is forgiven' - Sāmoan woman shares emotional experience
Guinevere Eves-Newport, 88, was the first Pacific Island community worker in New Zealand.

Watch: 'Sorrow, remorse and regret' - PM's apology over Dawn Raids
'We acknowledge the enduring hurt that has been caused' - Ardern.

Dawn raids: 'Pasifika generations feel the ripple of it personally'
The Government will today announce a formal apology to address the dawn raids

Dawn raids: Jacinda Ardern set to deliver formal apology today
Almost 50 years on from the raids, critics say the apology is long overdue.

'It's like I lost my whānau': Tā moko studio burgled, 24 traditional tools stolen
Two people are believed to be responsible for robbing the Henderson studio.

Dawn raids: TV series The Panthers hits the screen, explores injustices of the 1970s
It comes ahead of the Government's dawn raids apology, nearly 50 years later.

Matariki: Traditional hangi method becoming endangered
Aotearoa's indigenous cooking method celebrated by Auckland Council.

Maramataka: Māori lunar calendar to be taught at Nasa
After working with First Nations for over two decades, Nasa has asked Aotearoa to join.

Study highlights setbacks for Māori students in tertiary education
"Māori learners need to be part of the conversation from the beginning."

Masters level for te reo to launch in July following top academy closure
Te Tohu Paerua o te Reo Kairangi will be launched on July 2 in Hamilton

Police dogs used to hunt for runaway driver after major crash
One person has been transported to hospital in a serious condition following the crash.

Covid 19 coronavirus: South Auckland marae vaccinating up to 500 people a day
It may just be the place you want to get vaccinated.

Asteroid to be named after Ngāi Tahu leader Tahu Potiki
Astronomer Ian Griffin gets approval to name asteroid after his admirable friend.

Kapa haka in prisons: Competition for the number one spot to start this week
It's as serious as national kapa haka festival Te Matatini.

Legacy: Celebrating 50 years of the Polynesian Panthers
A three-day celebration will include a panel discussion with US Black Panther members.

Polynesians first to discover Antarctica, not news to Māori
Study reveals Polynesians the first to discover frozen continent in the seventh century.

Auckland iwi announced as this year's host for Matariki Festival
The festival is set to be a great lead-in before Matariki becomes a national holiday.

Māori Party calls for joint taskforce to investigate white supremacist organisations
It comes after a YouTube video incited violence and threats towards Māori Party leaders.

Flava comp win means woman can take baby's placenta home to Rarotonga
Mati Faaeteete will be able to return home to bury her newborn's placenta and see family.

Māori high school students get leg-up to top universities
Sir John Key will be one of the mentors for the five winners.

Budget boost for Māori housing, house and reo 'welcome'
'It's been a long time coming,' says a key advocate of the Māori Health Authority.

Budget 2021: Beneficiary advocacy group calls benefit increase 'weak'
Auckland Action Against Poverty says the increase does not restore dignity for families

Samoa election: FAST supporters unite in song, following majority win
Samoa elections: newcomers FAST party win majority vote following a nearly 45-day deadlock

All-female line-up to hit the stage in July
Eclectic, diverse range of women will represent their genres, voices and communities.

Auction threats: Hongi Hika's $150K musket withdrawn from sale
Threats made to have it pulled, but Ngāpuhi is hoping to have the sale resolved.

Contemporary Māori art show holds record for largest art exhibition since 1989
It was the largest exhibition in Auckland Art Gallery Toi o Tāmaki's 132-year history.

Whānau-led approach for all New Zealanders: Communities to lead change to prevent violence
Davidson admits that the Government and past governments have been doing it wrong.

Community to lead family and sexual violence prevention strategy
Government will allow all voices to be heard to develop action plan.

'Structural racism': Waitangi Tribunal blasts Oranga Tamariki
Tribunal says it's time for Māori to "reclaim their space".

Her grandad died on a WWII battlefield. She'll hear his voice for the first time today
"It's a very unique link to a person we never knew".

'For Māori, by Māori': Govt's new prisoner rehabilitation scheme launches
A complete kaupapa Māori approach will be introduced for the first time.

Annual event aims to strengthen Māori women leaders
The Huihuinga Wāhine Māori Leadership Summit kicks off today.

Health sector shake-up: What this means for Māori
A new Māori Health Authority would recognise 'by Māori, for Māori, to Māori' approach.

'Shameful stain on NZ history': Polynesian Panthers push for apology
Dawn raids caused "ongoing trauma; broken people and families", Melani Anae says.

Erebus family member starts petition to relocate memorial
The proposed site in Parnell has caused division.

South Auckland opens first marae-based Covid-19 vaccination centre.
"We can't expect our whānau to do it if we don't do it ourselves"

All Blacks hand over mauri stone
It accompanies the team at every game, but will stay with its new kaitiaki off the field.

Epic job hunt: 3000 applications, 158 interviews but still out of work
'All I want is to pay my bills and provide for my son.'

Māori and Pasifika midwifery numbers to be boosted
The initiative addresses shortage of Māori and Pasifika midwives and racial inequities.

Contemporary Māori artists bring history back to Auckland's Albert Park
A two-week exhibition looks to delve into Māori history with tikanga-toi (Māori art)

Māori Council suggest marae open their doors for temporary housing
Leaders say some marae offer social, health and education services, unlike motels.

Wāhine toa: Activist Miriama Rauhihi-Ness mourned after sudden death
The long-time activist and mother of Che Fu died of cancer on Monday.

Media Council rejects reader complaint on te reo use
One complaint said: It's unnecessary ... it will make English language 'inferior'.

The Haka Party incident: Confronting a racist piece of New Zealand's past
'Pākehā are defensive about the story because it's this fear of getting blamed.'

Auckland iwi joins DOC in restoring Motutapu Island
Auckland iwi step in to assist DOC, following a 2018 Supreme Court ruling.

Complaints about use of te reo Māori on television spike
BSA received 27 complaints regarding TVNZ and its news programmes in the past year.

Erebus family member adds voice to memorial protest
The National Erebus Memorial intends to pay tribute to 257 killed in 1979 plane crash.

An advocacy group is determined to allay Māori fears around the Covid-19 vaccination
Survey reveals Māori and Pasifika less confident in the safety and quality of the vaccine

Mana whenua fully consulted on Erebus Memorial - Auckland Mayor
Dame Naida calls for a hui to achieve an outcome that upholds the mana of all parties.

Weather warning: Severe thunderstorms forecast across North Island
Severe weather watch for parts of the North Island as thunderstorms roll in.

Vector shelves planned power outages after complaints
Planned power outages postponed following a number of complaints,

Mahinarangi touches hearts as many aspire to reclaim their names
Mother of little girl stunned by how many others have had to deal with the same issue.

Fears for South Auckland communities as community transmission spreads
Leaders say last month's three-day lockdown was too short.

My name is Mahinarangi. Please don't shorten it because you have trouble saying it. Try harder
Palmerston North mother calls for change to enhance the respect for cultural names.

Further calls to remove Unitec board members, following claims of racism towards Māori
Several Māori staff at Auckland's Unitec resigned last month.