Tapu Misa is a co-editor at E-Tangata and a former columnist for the New Zealand Herald
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Tapu Misa: Time to rethink 'brown issues' in the media
Tapu Misa says we need to hear more from inspirational Maori and Pacific women.

Pasifika poet: Girls 'just wanted to touch her hair'
When Selina Tusitala Marsh goes to schools young Pasifika girls come up for bear hugs.

Tapu Misa: Moral pressure drives fight for living wage
Everyone agrees we're a low-wage economy but the impact of that on families has been lost behind a haze of judgment and indifference, writes Tapu Misa.

Tapu Misa: Christmas should be a time of hope for us all
A Christmas story from an associate, who was in a Salvation Army op shop when a family - mum, dad, and three children - stopped by to drop off a new bike.

Tapu Misa: Second opinion on Binnie makes sense
You'd expect Joe Karam to rail against Justice Minister Judith Collins' handling of Justice Ian Binnie's report into David Bain's compensation claim. But a miscarriage of justice? Let's not get carried away.

Tapu Misa: It's only right stumbling Shearer feels unsettled
I had an email from someone close to David Shearer, who was "saddened" by my recent column on the Labour leader, wrties Tapu Misa.

Tapu Misa: Housing part of building a society fit for humans
The housing crisis is complex and many years in the making, but even so the current Government's response is woefully inadequate, writes Tapu Misa.

Tapu Misa: Labour should look hard at leader's competence
David Shearer has been wholly unconvincing - seeming not only to lack a real understanding of the issues, but the conviction of his words, writes Tapu Misa.

Housing boom has cost NZ dearly
It's not hard to see why so many of us have a vested interest in the system, as damaging and unfair as it is, writes Tapu Misa.

Tapu Misa: Politicians feel our pain - they've struggled, too
The message seems clear, writes Tapu Misa. "Being poor isn't that bad. We feel your pain. We've struggled, too, and look how well we've done."

Tapu Misa: Child abuse plan shows a lack of vision
"Paula Bennett is right when she says poverty isn't an excuse for child abuse," writes Tapu Misa. "There is no excuse for child abuse."

Tapu Misa: Still searching for right way to help poor kids
Good teachers matter, but the problem with conflating education and poverty is that the focus can narrow unhelpfully on one piece of the puzzle, writes Tapu Misa.

Tapu Misa: Politicians think it's fine to lie
Tapu Misa says John Banks lied to reporters. "He misrepresented the truth and misled the public on more than one occasion. All while a minister of the Key Government."

Tapu Misa: Precious little sense on Planet Paula
Cost should not be only driver of social policies; principles matter, too, writes Tapu Misa.

Tapu Misa: Paula Bennett so sure she's right
What part do facts play in the welfare debate, and how much is "truthiness" getting in the way?

Tapu Misa: Teacher pay rises will do what incentives won't
Economists are right when they say that people respond to incentives, and teachers are no different, but the responses aren't always the ones we'd want.

Tapu Misa: Cuts hurt kids instead of making parents work
Why is the idea of helping poor children so difficult to sell in a country with a supposed 'socialist streak'?

Tapu Misa: 'World's worst mother' is entitled to have her say
It's disconcerting when you find yourself in the corner with people you've seldom, if ever, agreed with.

Tapu Misa: Fixing issues starts with understanding
A child psychologist asked to fix a delinquent child knows what the parents seldom recognise...

Tapu Misa: Gluckman's report shows the way
"There is always a solution to every human problem - neat, plausible and wrong," wrote H.L. Mencken.

Tapu Misa: Govt foolish to sniff around school nursing for savings
Think of preventive health care as the condom that most governments don't want to wear.

Tapu Misa: Empathy creates heroes across the divide
One former businessman's compassion reaches across Auckland's growing cultural divide