Simon Wilson is an award-winning senior writer covering politics, the climate crisis, transport, housing, urban design and social issues. He joined the Herald in 2018.
Simon has been with the Herald since the start of 2018. He writes mainly about Auckland with a focus on politics, the climate crisis, transport, housing, urban design and social issues, and sometimes the arts, books and sport. His work includes weekly columns, features and news reporting and he has also written a well-known series about prostate cancer. Wilson started in journalism in the mid-1980s, as a subeditor at the Listener, and has spent most of his career in magazines, as an editor and writer. He’s won many awards, including Qantas/Canon/Voyager Media Awards: twice as editor of the magazine of the year (Cuisine and Metro), twice as feature writer of the year, and for first-person essay of the year, opinion writer of the year, reviewer of the year, and in several categories including politics, the arts and the environment. He was the first non-fiction writer to win the Nigel Cox Unity Books Award for “exceptional writing” and he has also been awarded the Auckland Cup and a President’s Award by the Institute of Architects. Wilson provides frequent commentary in other media, especially RNZ National and Newstalk ZB. He has written two books: Homeground: The story of a building that changes lives, about the new home of the Auckland City Mission (2022), and The Age of Light, a novel (1994). He was also the editor of The Journal of Urgent Writing (2017). You can contact Simon at

Simon Wilson: Let’s be honest - PPPs, tolls and the Investment Summit
Opinion: The Government's big play for foreign funding achieved far less than we're told.

Simon Wilson: $150b shock – Council v Govt on big Auckland projects
Opinion: Three big surprises came with Auckland Council's infrastructure announcement.

Simon Wilson: Chlöe Swarbrick v Chris Bishop and the Investment Summit
OPINION: Will growth solve the nation's ills or does it depend on the kind of growth?

Simon Wilson’s Love this City: Strawberry fair, transport fares and Phil Goff’s future
OPINION: There are zero rumours that Goff would run again for mayor. But imagine it...

Simon Wilson: Culture wars – Inside the battle of St James
OPINION: Which councillor said sector 'absolutely loaded with dough' should fix theatre?

Live at the St James: Auckland Council approves funding for iconic venue
Downtown Auckland's St James Theatre has finally been given a new lease of life.

Simon Wilson: Mayor fought for street upgrade but now wants to stop it. What’s going on?
OPINION: Why is Wayne Brown ranting against a cycleway in the city?

Simon Wilson: Chris Bishop is ‘proud to be an urbanist’ and I’m thrilled to hear it
OPINION: Transport Minister Chris Bishop dreams of a denser Auckland built around transit.

Simon Wilson: Inside Wayne Brown’s bid for re-election
The big announcement happened on a humid afternoon at the Royal NZ Yacht Squadron

Simon Wilson: The Prime Minister’s long, slow walk to oblivion
OPINON: The PM's Act and NZ First problems are far more damaging than he seems to know.

Simon Wilson: Cone wars - AT boss fires up over surprise roadworks
OPINION: Dean Kimpton is at the pointy end of cone management. He's seeing orange.

A home of their own: Inside the Auckland City Mission
Tenants at Auckland City Mission’s home for the homeless tell their stories.

Simon Wilson: A few ideas to help Christopher Luxon 'go for growth'
OPINION: Economic plans should address wider social goals or they won't work.

Simon Wilson: The kōhanga generation comes to Waitangi
ANALYSIS: If we want to close those gaps, we already have a model for how to do it.

Simon Wilson: Poison in the ears - Seymour, Jones and the battles of Waitangi
OPINION: The Government parties jostle for leadership at Waitangi.

Waitangi: It’s all about weaving the song and dance
Goodwill, singing and even dancing have broken out at Waitangi.

Simon Wilson: Snapshots from the new New Zealand for Waitangi week
OPINION: The changing face of Aotearoa NZ as we head towards Waitangi Day on Thursday.

Waitangi: Marama Davidson and Chris Hipkins in the limelight - Simon Wilson
OPINION: Grins all round at Waitangi, at least for now.

Simon Wilson: Desley Simpson for mayor?
OPINION: Dog debates, harbour crossings, Pukekohe trains and a suddenly hot mayoral race.

'Desley for mayor': Simpson not ruling out Auckland mayoralty bid, campaign website registered
Simpson told the Herald it was a 'bit soon' to make a decision.

Simon Wilson: Sir Bill English's Waitangi lessons for Christopher Luxon
OPINION: What Christopher Luxon can learn from Bill English's 2017 visit to Ngāti Whātua.

Simon Wilson: Wayne again – the 2025 mayoral election campaign has begun
OPINION: Part of Brown's positioning is to burn off potential rivals. It’s working.

The greening of New Zealand business
Large and small, businesses are not waiting to be told how to address climate change.

Simon Wilson: What will Luxon say in his State of the Nation speech this week?
OPINION: The PM has made some bold changes to his Cabinet, but what about policy?

Simon Wilson: We all live in Granity – facing the future in a climate crisis
OPINION: As the wild weather gets worse, how will we adapt and how will we pay for it?

Simon Wilson: Why did John Key endorse Donald Trump?
OPINION: Five of the top columns of the year from Simon Wilson.

Simon Wilson: Yes that’s the mayor swimming in Auckland’s brand new pool
OPINION: Love this City, this week with rates, roads, bus-stops and swimming pools.

Simon Wilson: Hooray for the Public Servant of the Year (and honourable mentions)
OPINION: Hail and farewell to a forthright and compelling advocate for good leadership.

Simon Wilson: Will Wayne Brown's winning week be good for the rest of us?
OPINION: Love this City, a weekly newsletter about goings-on in Auckland.

Simon Wilson: Wayne Brown’s terrible plan to abolish one of Auckland Council’s best agencies
OPINION: Why Auckland Council should ignore the mayor and keep its top agency Eke Panuku.

Simon Wilson: ‘Our Eiffel Tower’ - why Wellington should fight to save the City to Sea bridge
OPINION: Saving Wellington's City to Sea Bridge is about saving what we really value.

Simon Wilson: Strange scenes from the big transport showdown
OPINION: Love this City, a weekly newsletter about goings-on in Auckland.

Inside Boris Johnson's $1500-a-seat lunch with Key, Peters and Coutts
Former British PM Boris Johnson arrived in Auckland yesterday, armed with jokes.

Simon Wilson: There's a job for Luxon if they make Kiwi version of The Office
OPINION: The Government celebrates getting things done but is that really what it's doing?

Simon Wilson: Homeless teens, a missing bridge, and the great Aucklander we've lost
OPINION: Love this City, a weekly column about Auckland.

Simon Wilson: The single biggest thing we could do to grow the economy
OPINION: Grow the economy, eliminate poverty: it's possible if we do things differently.

Simon Wilson: The Mowbrays, the helipad - and the 'most loathed' organisation in council
OPINION: Auckland already has a salutary warning about rich-listers and helicopters.

Simon Wilson: Why the Solicitor-General should resign and the PM should scrap Act's Treaty bill
OPINION: Principles? How about we see some in the abuse-in-care response and Treaty bill?

Simon Wilson: Why shouldn't we have a Xmas tree to rival Rio, New York or Murano?
OPINION: Behind the scenes in Auckland this week.

Simon Wilson: Could Trump happen here?
OPINION: We have an essential precondition; mainstream politicians aren't fixing things.

'The risk of death is higher': What Cabinet knew when it raised speed limits on our roads
Cabinet knows higher speeds are dangerous but it's had no advice on the economic benefits.

Simon Wilson: Donald Trump's triumph of the will
OPINION: Trump is king now, but will his courtiers get what they want?

Simon Wilson: Why don't we get to vote? How the US election result will affect us all
OPINION: Four ways for President Kamala Harris to make a difference to climate change.

Simon Wilson: Why did John Key endorse Donald Trump?
OPINION: Sixty billionaires are supporting Donald Trump. So is Sir John Key.

Auckland Council snubs Government, makes own decisions on transport spending
Auckland Council has spread transport cuts far more widely than the Government wanted.

Simon Wilson: What's the difference between Wayne Brown and Tory Whanau?
OPINION: The Auckland and Wellington mayors have more in common than you might think.

Simon Wilson: The shockers for Govt hiding in the Mood of the Boardroom
OPINION: To politicians and business leaders growth is seductive but so are other things.

It’s not every day a European river cruise moves you to tears
Visiting the horror sites of the Balkan wars is a moving and deeply rewarding experience.

Simon Wilson: Auckland election - here's $350, will you vote for us?
OPINION: It may be legal to pay voters but that doesn't make it right, says Simon Wilson.

Big cuts coming to AT: 'Blame the Govt', says mayor
The Government cut $550 million from Auckland transport but the council has another plan.

Simon Wilson: Time's running out for Labour leader Chris Hipkins
OPINION: It's time for Labour leader Chris Hipkins to stand up - or stand aside.

From dictators to dry-humoured storytellers, Bucharest draws visitors in
Expect to be enraptured in the Romanian capital.

Simon Wilson: Introducing Infra Boy Chris Bishop, the man with a big bold, not entirely coherent plan
An interview with the serious, if slightly shambolic, new Minister of Everything

Simon Wilson: Will Simeon Brown's need for speed really help the economy?
Opinion: Here's what the data says about speed limits, economic growth and road safety.

Simon Wilson: Wait, what, Watts? The Climate Minister talks to business
Opinion: “Harder and faster,” says Climate Minister Simon Watts, but what does he mean?

Simon Wilson: It's Luxon's choice – kotahitanga or a destructive race debate
OPINION: The PM showed humanity and leadership at Tūrangawaewae, but now what?

Simon Wilson: Wayne Brown calls out construction sector and Govt
OPINION: 'Do you just sign up and take the money?', Auckland Mayor said.

Simon Wilson: Sorry Luxon, cheap shots at cycleways won't solve our council woes
OPINION: The PM has a bigger job than attacking councils for speed bumps and cycleways.

Sorry Minister, congestion charges not the key to freeing up roads – Simon Wilson
Opinion: Charging motorists more is not the way to get them to drive less.

Green buildings make money for landlords and tenants - landmark new report
The rents are higher and vacancy rates are lower than ordinary buildings.

Simon Wilson: Mayor makes flogging jokes while Minister hints Wgtn could control Auckland's transport
OPINION: The mayor and the minister do not agree on how to fix Auckland.

Simon Wilson: Aucklanders live in a great city, but things are far from sweet
OPINION: Oh great, another report that says what we already know.

Auckland needs 'fit-for-purpose urban vision', says big new report
Auckland is slipping behind similar cities.

Simon Wilson: Nats conference hugs and kisses, silly statements and plan for better maths
OPINION: It was happy days for National over the weekend but is the party subtly changing?

Simon Wilson: Climate lessons from the Titanic
OPINION: Titanic is back, with lessons about billionaires and climate change.

Simon Wilson: Tracing the links from abuse in care to crime on Queen St
OPINION: The links between violence in public and private and how the state acts.

Simon Wilson: We were there and we looked away – lessons from the Abuse in Care report
OPINION: We're all implicated in the Abuse in Care inquiry report. So what will we do now?

Are we ready for this? The Treaty debate in 2024
ANALYSIS: The Treaty of Waitangi debate is about conflicting values. Can we line them up?

Simon Wilson: The problem with the Government’s science and innovation policies
OPINION: Why does the Government care so little about innovation's economic potential?

Simon Wilson: Why are we losing our minds over 15 free bicycles?
OPINION: Spurious 'economic necessity' claims undermine environment and efficiency goals.

Simon Wilson: Trackless trams in Auckland
OPINION: High-tech solutions offer Auckland a great chance to fix its transport woes.

'Butt out, Wellington': Auckland Council votes against higher speed limits
Auckland Council will oppose the Government plan to raise speed limits, but can't stop it.

"Being brave is the deep breath you take before doing something you’ve never imagined before" - Moana Jackson
Moana Jackson had a dream and he wanted everyone to be brave enough to help realise it.

Simon Wilson: Stanford vs Reti vs Brown - who's doing good government?
OPINION: How much does the National Party care about principles of good government?

Simon Wilson: Seven ways we could be like Scandinavia
OPINION: Seven things that work well in Scandinavia that we could do too.

Simon Wilson: Act, Paul Henry, Shane Jones and the March for Nature
OPINION: Good governance requires more than preaching to the choir.

Simon Wilson: The Budget promises that are destroying us
OPINION: Sugar hits for floating voters are holding back almost all meaningful progress.

Auckland stadium debate: And now there are two, but why?
OPINION: Auckland Council's stadium decision is wrong in so many ways.