Columnist, Herald on Sunday
We are your advocate, Aotearoa. Uncovering stories that matter, asking hard-hitting questions of those in power, live-blogging sport events, monitoring the highs and lows of the NZX and providing Premium expert opinion and analysis. Bringing you distinctive, quality journalism and breaking news from across New Zealand and around the world. With specialists working together to create indepth reads, engaging video, and unmissable podcasts.

'Lives will be lost': Smokefree changes have taken us from world leaders to world losers
OPINION: Smokefree Aotearoa 2025 is going up in smoke.

Shaneel Lal: Forcing students to attend lectures in person creates barriers
OPINION: The insistence on universality in diverse populations has never worked.

Shaneel Lal: I can’t believe we are still begging our Govt to call for a ceasefire in Gaza
OPINION: The images and videos I have seen will haunt me for the rest of my life.

'People could die from these attacks - it sends a shiver down my spine'
OPINION: This level of homophobic hatred feels like the 1980s, not 2023.

Shaneel Lal: What's so offensive about the prefix 'cis'?
OPINION: Elon Musk tweeted that the prefix cis 'is a heterosexual slur'.

Shaneel Lal: Should Hipkins pick up the phone to Peters?
OPINION: Should Hipkins pick up the phone to Peters?

Shaneel Lal: Labour and Greens must put their egos aside
OPINION: Both Labour and Greens let their ego get in the way of common sense.

Election 2023: Shaneel Lal: The government’s role is to foster unity
OPINION: Covid was not the only virus that arrived on our shores in 2020

Shaneel Lal: Luxon's coalition will come at the cost of stability
Opinion: National should rule out regressive NZ First.

Shaneel Lal: We need a radical shift in our tax system
OPINION: The skyrocketing cost of living is the crux of the election

Shaneel Lal: Money talks in campaiging capacity of left and right
Opinion: Wealthy hijacking our election by handing more money to parties they want to win.

Shaneel Lal: Act’s privileged perspective on healthcare will hurt minorities
Opinion: 'It’s modern-day eugenics in the making.'

Shaneel Lal: Chris Hipkins needs to prove he is a queer ally through action, not acting
OPINION: 'I challenge Hipkins to commit to legislative protection for queers.'

Shaneel Lal: National, Act want them scrapped but cultural reports are essential
OPINION: It's complicated: That's why cultural reports are essential for just sentencing

Shaneel Lal: Give Nicola Willis a chance to lead
Opinion: She could strike the economically right-wing and socially progressive balance.

Shaneel Lal: Why it shouldn't be left up to parents to teach their kids about sex
Opinion: Expecting parents to fill this vital role will fail.

Shaneel Lal: Protect your future; vote in the election
Opinion: Social media is vital to raise awareness, but not as powerful as casting a vote.

Shaneel Lal: Bilingual signs are here to stay
Opinion: Confusion, misunderstanding, racism is no defence for opposing them.

Shaneel Lal: Greyhound racing has no social value
OPINION: The greyhound industry has been on its last legs for years. I say cut them off.

Shaneel Lal: Tough approaches overlook the cause of the crime issue
OPINION: Pushing for tougher sentences is like beating a dead horse.

Shaneel Lal: New Zealand schools are becoming a cesspit of hatred
Opinion: Racism, anti-queerness and sexism must become 'uncool'.

Shaneel Lal: Ignore the conspiracy theorists; please continue to support queer people
Opinion: Kiwibank, The Warehouse, Countdown harassed and intimidated.

Shaneel Lal: Teaching Aotearoa’s true history in schools is crucial
OPINION Ignorance gives a false impression that Māori are getting an unfair advantage.

Shaneel Lal: Luxon is serving us deepfakes and Pacific people won’t trust it
National using AI to create impression it is looking out for Pacific people.

Shaneel Lal: Ethical influencers do exist
Some have a moral compass, work hard, and with brands that align with their values.

Shaneel Lal: We need politicians who lead with reason and compassion
National selecting white men with what I describe as repulsive views is a repeat offence.

Shaneel Lal: Coronation represents a family whose existence is undemocratic, waste of money
The royal family’s existence is undemocratic and a waste of money.

Shaneel Lal: 'I will continue to dance in hotel rooms and take shirtless selfies'
The world of politics and the image of a leader is changing.

Shaneel Lal: 'I don’t feel Luxon has my back'
His actions haven't been supportive of women, Māori or queer people.

Shaneel Lal: An open letter to the Immigration Minister
Michael Wood could have prevented Kellie-Jay Keen-Minshull’s NZ visit. He chose not to.

Shaneel Lal: David Seymour backs freedom of speech - unless he disagrees
'Freedom of speech for me and censorship for thee' could be Act motto

Shaneel Lal: Why I almost didn’t go to the New Zealander of the Year Awards
Opinion: The awards process was happening amid the protest against Posie Parker's views.

Shaneel Lal thanks Auckland after anti-trans activist Kellie-Jay Keen-Minshull's non event
'I vowed to myself that I will never go back into hiding', writes Shaneel Lal.

'From one human to another, I implore you to show up today' — Shaneel Lal
The activist says this is the first time they feel fearful for their safety.

Shaneel Lal: With Beyer's passing, trans people feel we've lost our anchor
Making Georgina Beyer's dream come true is now a challenge for Aotearoa

Shaneel Lal: Anti-drag protesters use faux concern for children as a weapon
There is more to fear from religious leaders than drag queens

Shaneel Lal: The battle for Panmure-Ōtāhuhu
The battle for Panmure-Ōtāhuhu will come down to a mix of popularity and campaigning.

Shaneel Lal: Blood Service finally answers my questions about gay men and blood donation
New Zealand Blood Service needs more individualised donor behaviour criteria.

Shaneel Lal: We need radical change in the face of radical disasters
We are contributing to our demise. But not all equally.

Shaneel Lal: Now is not the time to amplify transphobic sentiments.
Sonny Bill Williams support for an anti-trans tweet is harmful.

Shaneel Lal: Johnstone coming out helps an entire generation of queer people
Shaneel Lal on the difficulties of growing up queer and how the rugby player has helped

Shaneel Lal: Jacinda Ardern has gone but sexism and misogyny linger
No male PM has had this level of discrimination, harassment, vitriol, and violence.

Shaneel Lal: There’s no Pride in being a National voter
National has historically been against recognising queer people. Nothing has changed.

Shaneel Lal: The preacher willing to go to jail for Jesus
Christian fundamentalist Lincoln Russ should learn to cope with progress.

Shaneel Lal: 'I do not have a coming-out story'
If non-queer people do not have to come out, neither should queer people.

Shaneel Lal: Let's make New Zealand a safe place for queer people
Appreciation for what queer people produce has not resulted in a safe NZ for them.

Shaneel Lal: I fear we are entering a decade of war on queer lives
The activist looks back on a year of attacks on queer people in New Zealand.

Opinion: The LGBTQIA+ acronym is unbecoming, anti-indigenous and tedious.
Vakasalewalewa, Veilasami Vakatagane and Hijra are not the same as transgender and gay.

Luxon is on the wrong track with regard to poverty
Why won’t Luxon support families struggling with the cost of living crisis?

For some of the queer community, racism is a prerequisite
The new oppression facing the queer community: racism in their own ranks

Shaneel Lal: The fire ‘will teach them for being gay’
Judge sentences arsonists but says there was no targeted crime against queer community.

Shaneel Lal: Anti-queer hatred and violence at an all-time high
Hate speech ban protecting religious beliefs should extend to queers, women and disabled.

Shaneel Lal: No room for queers in Bethlehem College
OPINION: School has an extremist Christian anti-queer agenda, and it must end.

Opinion: Jordan Peterson’s event in NZ will cause further harm to trans people
Opinion: Giving Peterson a platform puts trans Kiwis at risk.

Shaneel Lal: Fiji is free from the British but enslaved to Christianity
It is time Fiji accepted the rights of queer people, says Shaneel Lal

Shaneel Lal: Luxon’s publicity stunt cunning but misleading
Christopher Luxon in a McDonald’s uniform is like a wolf in sheep’s clothing

Shaneel Lal: National Party silences Uffindell's victims
Christopher Luxon says he won't release report by Maria Dew KC to the public.

Shaneel Lal: The criminal justice system is a white boys’ club
Discharge without conviction sends message hate crimes are okay.

Shaneel Lal: Homophobic stigma in blood donation policies
New Zealand imbues blood donors with moral superiority, says Shaneel Lal

Shaneel Lal: March 15 shattered terrorist stereotype
Pākehā can be terrorists and people of colour and Muslims can be victims of terrorism.

Shaneel Lal: National is set upon erasing people like me
Shaneel Lal says National's actions have failed the queer community

Shaneel Lal: I trust Efeso Collins has my queer back
OPINION: Efeso Collins took it upon himself to educate elders about conversion therapy.

Shaneel Lal: The Royal Family stole my ancestors
OPINION: The death of a symbol is not the death of a system.

Shaneel Lal: It's laughable that Brian Tamaki is crying victim
Tamaki claims that "we're in a sick society," writes Shaneel Lal.

Shaneel Lal: Racists will use anything against Māori to suppress te reo resurgence
OPINION: Reaction to Marama Davidson's Whittaker's post highlights Labour's hypocrisy.

Shaneel Lal: The science is clear – gender is a spectrum
The truth is that gender is not biological or related to sex.

Shaneel Lal: When do we stop excusing bigotry as religious freedom?
OPINION: When do we stop excusing bigotry as religious freedom?