Freelance journalist who has reported extensively on the law industry
We are your advocate, Aotearoa. Uncovering stories that matter, asking hard-hitting questions of those in power, live-blogging sport events, monitoring the highs and lows of the NZX and providing Premium expert opinion and analysis. Bringing you distinctive, quality journalism and breaking news from across New Zealand and around the world. With specialists working together to create indepth reads, engaging video, and unmissable podcasts.

Sasha Borissenko: How ACC remains a bright spot in a turbulent world
OPINION: A 2023 court decision widened the scope for sensitive claims.

Sasha Borissenko: Rush to pass laws makes for bad government
OPINION: Here’s to a new year – and better decision-making

Sasha Borissenko: Your consumer rights when it comes to unwanted gifts
Nothing like a recession to make you question value of gifts you don't want or need.

Sasha Borissenko: Why NZ lawyers face festive season cyber crime surge
OPINION: Cyber crime alert as the Law Society cautions the legal sector on scams.

Top NZ law firms reveal their plans for Xmas parties and performance bonuses
From bonuses and Christmas gifts to end-of-year parties.

Sasha Borissenko: The misinformation apocalypse is now
OPINION: Studies have found correcting information isn’t straightforward.

Sasha Borissenko: The legal costs of reducing alcohol-related harm
OPINION: The question remains whether they are worth it.

Sasha Borissenko: Workers' rights are being eroded
OPINION: Redundancies and return-to-office orders are on the rise.

Supermarket duopoly: ComCom continues to flex legislative muscles, but is it enough?
OPINION: It’s been a comfort to see ComCom flex its muscles for the underdog consumer.

Sasha Borissenko: New Zealand lawyers unhappiest in the world
OPINION: Mental health research has revealed the legal profession is doing it tough.

Under the spotlight: Criticising judiciary and democracy – Sasha Borissenko
OPINION: Have New Zealand's checks and balances been eroded?

Sasha Borissenko: Sigh, lawyers haven't achieved gender equality
OPINION: But it's not all bad.

Sasha Borissenko: Truancy and the law – crisis or smokescreen?
OPINION: The focus should be on addressing the chronically absent rate.

Sasha Borissenko: Abuse in Care apology hollow if boot camps continue
OPINION: Is history set to repeat itself over boot camps?

Sasha Borissenko: Siouxsie Wiles case reveals digital lag in health and safety law
OPINION: Protections are largely all bark and no bite when it comes to keyboard warriors.

KiwiSaver’s legal fishhooks to watch out for
OPINION: Many people are disadvantaged by the rules for the retirement saving scheme.

Duty lawyers underpaid, overworked, nearing retirement – Sasha Borissenko
OPINION: The dire need for change was punctuated recently with the release of a review.

Opinion: Budget falls short for justice
OPINION: In the justice portfolio, the devil was in the detail in the 2024 Budget.

Sasha Borissenko: Oranga Tamariki repeal saga threatens the separation of powers
OPINION: Division among the courts and government.

A tongue-in-cheek look into judges' perks
OPINION: Judges get long periods of time off and travel paid for by the state.

Sasha Borissenko: Lawyers bursting at the overhead seams
OPINION: Legal aid providers are weathering the greatest storm.

Sasha Borissenko: How Brooke van Velden is making her mark on employment law
Why the Uber case was a huge employment protection win for the underdog.

Sasha Borissenko: A cautionary tale in online scams from their latest victim
OPINION: Scam victim reimbursement scheme can’t come fast enough.

Youth taking up vaping faster than speed of regulatory light
OPINION: Fine line between vaping as a solution to end smoking and promoting the habit.

Sasha Borissenko: Trustees could face multimillion-dollar fines under health and safety rules
OPINION: A WorkSafe prosecution over a farm accident could change the case law.

Sasha Borissenko: Case against Israel has more bark than bite
OPINION: How the limits of international law are being exposed once again.

Sasha Borissenko: Collared crime and the many shades of grey
OPINION: There are many colour variations of collared crime.

Can't handle the jandal: ACC pays millions for summer hazards from sunburn to Crocs
BBQ-related injuries alone sparked $2 million in claims last holiday season.

Bad Santa? Returning unwanted pressies and other consumer rights
OPINION: Whether it's a robot or a dessert, those written warranties need to be honoured.

Sasha Borissenko: Are trusts only for the rich?
OPINION: Five of the top columns of the year from Sasha Borissenko.

Sasha Borissenko: Legal highs and lows of 2023
Some standouts, from Judith Collins becoming a KC to Kiri Allen re-emerging as a lobbyist.

Sasha Borissenko: Santa’s 2023 naughty list of lawyers
OPINION: Conflicts of interest, inflated fees and sexual harassment were in the spotlight.

Sasha Borissenko: Who are the legal eagles in Cabinet?
OPINION: A third of the new Cabinet have a legal background.

Sasha Borissenko: Who needs an economy if we burn to the ground?
OPINION: How we're failing to fire up action on climate change.

The apocalyptic 2020s: Hate speech, fake news, disinformation
OPINION: Is a lack of rules fuelling misinformed, opportunistic, dangerous politics?

Sasha Borissenko: How international humanitarian law applies to the Israel-Hamas War
OPINION: Plus, what is New Zealand doing?

Sasha Borissenko: Healthy choices at checkouts is just the beginning
OPINION: And other marketing tricks that aren’t so obvious.

What’s at stake as Siouxsie Wiles takes on Auckland Uni in the Employment Court this week
Employment Court case will break new ground.

Sasha Borissenko: Mosque attacks inquest a logistical test for victims and the ministry
OPINION: A rundown of the hurdles for families.

Sasha Borissenko: It’s not the alcohol, it’s the culture
OPINION: Alcohol is a red herring when it comes to stopping sexual harassment at work.

Sasha Borissenko: Weet-Bix saga opens whole can of worms
OPINION: Should Sanitarium be allowed tax breaks?

Sasha Borissenko: NZ's social housing waiting list is embarrassing
OPINION: Australia is showing the way on social housing.

'No one wants to sit by the fat lady' - how obesity myths take hold
Sasha Borissenko says the personal choice narrative is hard to break

Sasha Borissenko: Industry pulling the strings? Nothing to see here, folks
Something's rotten in the state of Denmark.

The hidden reason why supermarket Coke is so cheap
There's a reason why stores can afford to sell it at such a low price

Sasha Borissenko: The loyalty cards tracking your almost every move
OPINION: A moment of silence for the million-odd Onecards scattered around NZ.

Sasha Borissenko: Supermarket reforms - is that it?
OPINION: New grocery code has fewer loosey-goosey contracts, but little else.

Law Society keen on new regulator ... in theory
'MeToo' incident review may lead to independent oversight.

Sasha Borissenko: The tangled, weird world of GST food basket cases
Opinion: Who really bears the burden for GST in New Zealand?

What will putting supermarkets under the spotlight change?
OPINION: What can be done, legally, to prevent supermarkets ripping us off?

Chewing the Facts: 'It’s very easy to become obese in a country like New Zealand'
Is there more to the story than ‘calories in, calories out’?

Our fatness blind spot: Sasha Borissenko on how weight myths control our lives
Herald columnist reveals the personal story behind her new podcast

Sasha Borissenko: Political football fails youth offenders
OPINION: National, Labour, and Act appear to have lost their humanity in the process.

Sasha Borissenko: Duty lawyer pay rise - a win or slap in the face?
Criminal Bar Association treasurer says lawyers have been left to fend for themselves.

Sasha Borissenko: Why National’s crackdown on crime misses the mark
Opinion: Idea hordes of youths are doing horrific things is not matched by facts.

Sasha Borissenko: The lawyers getting the bulk of legal aid payments
Legal aid fees - who’s getting what.

Legal staff working a day a week free - law firms respond
Survey finds stark differences between firms.

Sasha Borissenko: No housing crisis for our well-off MPs
OPINION: The gifts and other interests disclosed by MPs revealed.

Sasha Borissenko: Budget 2023 falls painfully short of the Plain Language Act
What exactly does some of the language in the Budget mean?

Sasha Borissenko: Liquor sales decision increases heat on supermarkets
Analysis: Top court had little trouble distilling views on damage from 11pm booze sales.

Sasha Borissenko: A better way to deal with lawyers’ misconduct
Eight years passed from first incident to when lawyer was suspended for sexual harassment.

Sasha Borrisenko: How IRD was empowered to research the rich
Is passing law under urgency curtailing due process?

Sasha Borissenko: Will new rules address lobbying conflicts of interest?
A dive into the history of lobbying and where its future lies.

Sasha Borissenko: What’s behind the growing court delays?
For civil cases the average waiting time has almost doubled in the last five years.

Sasha Borissenko: Law firm 'disappointed' living wage instruction not followed
Analysis: Good living wage intentions can hit a hurdle when you're relying on others.

Tax and the blurred lines around 'business' expenses
Sasha Borissenko presents a tax guide for the self-employed.

Opinion: Free speech too convenient a justification for thinly disguised hate speech
Opinion: Posie Parker was allowed in by law but forced to leave by protesters.

Sasha Borissenko: Nash and conflict of interest: Where do you draw the line?
OPINION: Are rules on "close associates" or "mates" fit-for-purpose for a small country?

Sasha Borissenko: Gavel down on archaic ways as Law Society report finally out
Analysis: Amid legal scandals, perceived conflict of interest has long been a concern.

‘The presentation would have been more palatable had I been a man,' they said
The world has a way to go on women's rights, writes Sasha Borissenko.

Sasha Borissenko: Is the Employment Relations Act fit for purpose?
Former Calendar Girls dancers seeking official body that can vet strip club contracts.

Sasha Borissenko: Climate change home truths
More than 1500 climate change cases have been filed since 2017.

Sasha Borissenko: Will a draft law end up protecting subbies if the construction sector dives?
The progress being made to ensure construction sector subcontractors get paid.

Stunning turnaround: Technology helps $130m liquidated development
A construction success story.

Sasha Borissenko: Is enough being done to combat 'hate speech'?
Little data exists around reporting abuse that falls short of criminal activity.

Sasha Borissenko: Now That’s What I Call Legislation Vol. 2
Part 2 of the best bills and laws of 2022, from pill-poppers to plan English.