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Rodney Hide: Too close to call
OPINION: What's on special? The election is looking like an impulse buy.

Rodney Hide: Ardern's abortion view jarring
COMMENT: Once again we are being asked to vote without knowing what we are voting for.

Hide: It's not about need - it's greed
COMMENT: The true scandal is our welfare system shelling out money to fit and able.

Hide: Labour keeps quiet its tax policy
COMMENT: What's Labour's tax policy? Don't know? Don't feel bad. Neither does Labour.

Rodney Hide: Don't tax water, trade it
Farmers are right to be worried about Labour's plan to tax water

Hide: Let Jacinda and Winston tango
OPINION: Labour could still win government this election. Politics is a wonderful thing.

Hide: Turei wins the handout vote
COMMENT: Metiria Turei's confession - smart politics or dumb move?

Hide: Is Little ready to dance with Peters
COMMENT: Time for Little to rise above the negativity.

Hide: Big Brother goes through our rubbish
COMMENT: State agents rummaging through your recycling bin? What next?

Rodney Hide: Beware glass-half-full type
COMMENT: Memo to employers: watch out for a particular ex-employee from Southern Spars.

Rodney Hide: NCEA failure repeats itself
COMMENT: Today's "well prepared" is yesterday's "cheating".

Rodney Hide: Speeding towards denial
COMMENT: It's not leadership to be blaming others for your folly.

Hide: Bedwetters, gun haters unite
OPINION: Army visits to schools is the right introduction for our children.

Hide: Dairy owner Harjit Singh my hero
COMMENT: Dairy owners are left to fend for themselves without even the promise of help.

Rodney Hide: Lord not meant for politics
COMMENT: By quitting the race, Rohan Lord proved he is not right for politics.

Rodney Hide: Low rights ranking is nuts
COMMENT: Our global ranking on children's rights a wake-up call.

Rodney Hide: Council needs to back off
COMMENT: Council rules are a roadblock to Auckland's development.

Rodney Hide: List shambles hurts Little
COMMENT: Willie Jackson 'omnishambles' reflects poorly on the party's ability to govern.

Rodney Hide: Folk at Worksafe are eggs
COMMENT: Easter Egg hunts are for children, not Government office workers.

Rodney Hide: NCEA passes a deception
COMMENT: Education Minister Hekia Parata is patting her own back.

Rodney Hide: Autumn of political content
COMMENT: It's a great time to be alive, writes Rodney Hide.

Rodney Hide: SAS allegations shredded
Chief of Defence's response to Hager/Stephenson's book is professional, says Rodney Hide.

Rodney Hide: Not a good look for Barclay
COMMENT: Rookie MP Todd Barclay is creating controversy in Clutha-Southland.

Rodney Hide: Ardern missed a golden opportunity
COMMENT: Red tape is costing us homes and opportunities and a cause worth campaigning on, says Rodney Hide.

Rodney Hide: Think taxpayers not tax eaters
COMMENT: Diversity has become the new thing among the Wellington and Auckland power elite, says Rodney Hide.

Rodney Hide: Time to give kids the keys
OPINION: The big mistake in politics is to underestimate opponents. Clearly, I underestimated Little and Ardern, writes Rodney Hide.

Rodney Hide: Politics of exclusion
COMMENT: Just who are the "My People" Hone Harawira talks of?

Rodney Hide: Why I've fallen for Bill
COMMENT: I had my doubts about Bill English. It's not that I didn't think him capable. He's extremely so.

Rodney Hide: Little's stinker of a week
COMMENT: Jackson was standing for Labour. And yes, Little had lured him with the promise of a high place on Labour's list, writes Rodney Hide.

Rodney Hide: Cost of te reo too high
COMMENT: The choice of job opportunities is too narrow and compulsory te reo for 10 years would cost our children a lot but add not much.

Rodney Hide: Trump trumps naysayers
Trump hysteria has become a parody in which the screamiest and stupidest attacks become headlines.

Rodney Hide: Can't trust MPs to be gents
COMMENT: Former Clerk of the House David McGee is recommending that resigning list MPs not be replaced by the next willing candidate on their party list.

Rodney Hide: The Waitangi shemozzle
COMMENT: There many excellent reasons for the Prime Minister to stay away from Waitangi but being banned from speaking isn't one of them.

Rodney Hide: Bring on driverless cars
COMMENT: Your ride will arrive with a tap of your phone. It will whisk you to your destination and disappear to the next fare.

Rodney Hide: Winston has skin in game
COMMENT: Trendsetter Winston Peters ended 2016 offering to be the first man to re-enter Pike River.

Rodney Hide: Politics told the TOP way
COMMENT: It's very exciting with Gareth already taking the trouble to explain what "talking politics in the TOP way" means.

Rodney Hide: National all aquiver over PM
COMMENT: The most common question in politics is, "Why not me?" That's the question National MPs have spent the week asking.

Rodney Hide: Let's dump RMA for good
Parliament had a good week passing the Hurunui/Kaikoura Earthquakes Emergency Relief Act.

Rodney Hide: Earthquakes make us great
COMMENT: Earthquakes make New Zealand great. We would not have a country without them.

Rodney Hide: Revelling in Trump's victory
COMMENT: I am still revelling in Donald Trump's victory.

Rodney Hide: Here's telling Gareth Morgan
COMMENT: One of the great joys of politics is being accountable to, well, everyone.

Rodney Hide: No meat in this pork barrel
COMMENT: We must fervently hope there are no more by-elections because the real expense is they make politicians dig deeper into our pockets.

Rodney Hide: Roskill crucial for Labour
COMMENT: If Labour wins the the byelection no one will notice. There will not be a ripple. If they lose, there will be a political tsunami.

Rodney Hide: Everyone loves Phil
COMMENT: Phil Goff has the potential to be an excellent mayor. He is capable and personable. I don't know anyone who doesn't like him.

Rodney Hide: Bring our heroes home
COMMENT: Paul Thomas is from a remarkable family of eight boys and three girls. All eight boys served in the New Zealand army. Five saw active duty.

Rodney Hide: Corrections got it wrong
COMMENT: Making unlawful detention subsequently lawful only deepens the outrage.

Rodney Hide: Left lacks puff and policy
COMMENT: Labour is the narrow party that has shut itself off from the great bulk of New Zealanders.

Rodney Hide: Union declares war on peas
COMMENT: Unions used to bring the country to its knees, now it can't manage to organise a boycott of a meal delivery company.

Winston the MP who keeps going and going
COMMENT: If politics was the Olympics, Winston Peters would be three-times triple-gold. No one comes close.

Rodney Hide: Somewhat over the rainbows
COMMENT: People's Party was announced with a narrower focus than its name suggests. Its target is Asian and ethnic voters and its issue is fighting crime.

Hide: No sex, please, we're Gen Z
COMMENT: I suggest teenagers are doing their sexual exploration online by sending each other naughty pictures and watching porn.

Rodney Hide: Sigh of relief for au pairs
COMMENT: Immigration NZ announced a trial in Queenstown to make it less likely that that they will lock up au pairs travelling with their families.

Rodney Hide: Goddard's flight a bad look
COMMENT: Dame Lowell Goddard has badly let the team down. Her failure has been splashed through the British papers. It's not a good look.

Hide: A $1 million betrayal of justice
COMMENT: Our justice system can't admit mistakes and fights not for justice but to be right.

Rodney Hide: No denying global scorning
COMMENT: I have to admit to a bad week. It started Monday. It was cold and I thought: "Huh, where's global warming?"

Rodney Hide: We can beat poverty of spirit
COMMENT: We have the power to change our own lives and far better to live a life of hope and ambition than one of hopelessness and despair.

Rodney Hide: Too much talk and policies
COMMENT: The Auckland housing market is planned chaos. We have Government intervention upon intervention.

Leave banking to experts, John
It's tricky for politicians. They want to be seen to be doing something but don't want to do too much.

Rodney Hide: Splitting hairs over death
COMMENT: The downgrade to manslaughter is a disgrace to justice, and a further abuse of a poor little boy.

Hide: Another 'little' tax - yeah, right
COMMENT: There's much that Government could do that would be useful. Taxing us more is not one of them.

Rodney Hide: I would be wishing for a gun
COMMENT: I would not want to be shot crouching in a toilet cubicle begging for my life. I would rather fight back even if my situation was hopeless.

Rodney Hide: The downside of courting fame
COMMENT: Max Key has broken all the rules on being a politician's son: Don't embarrass Dad. Keep out of the media. Stay out of trouble.

Rodney Hide: Marriage of convenience
COMMENT: I am pleased for Labour and the Greens. Truly I am. They have tied the knot. They have announced they're together.

Rodney Hide: No justice for tortured Moko
COMMENT: The torturing and killing of poor little Moko has saddened and angered New Zealanders to a degree that I lack the words to explain.

Rodney Hide: Tent debacle another stumble
COMMENT: It's hard for Little to win some media coverage - especially when up against a popular PM who has stolen your policies and wears your clothes.

Rodney Hide: Papers turned out to be a fizzer
COMMENT: The Panama Papers big reveal proved better in prospect than reality.

Rodney Hide: Multinationals will leave if taxed
COMMENT: Imagine how much investment there would be if their returns were taxed entirely away. Who would be the losers? The multinationals? Or Kiwis?

Rodney Hide: Key fiddles while market burns
COMMENT: The land tax on foreigners is the perfect policy for John Key: it won't work, won't upset voters, shows he's "doing something".

Rodney Hide: Niue deal squeaky clean
COMMENT: Politics can be nasty. It's often incompetent. Somehow Little has managed to plumb new depths.

Rodney Hide: Judge on ability, not tax return
COMMENT: John Key should be judged on his performance as Prime Minister, not on his tax return.

Rodney Hide: Powerless Little left on fringes
COMMENT: Every time I think of Labour Leader Andrew Little - which I must confess is getting less and less - I can't help but feel sorry for him.

Rodney Hide: Thugs win against wimpy law
COMMENT: Give us back the self-respect and dignity that comes from standing up for ourselves and our rights.

Rodney Hide: Hardship brings out humanity
COMMENT: I think the earthquakes have been that hardship and challenge. They have brought out the best in people and reminded us all what's important.

Rodney Hide: NZ's very own Donald Trump
COMMENT: New Zealanders shouldn't struggle to understand the phenomenon that is Donald Trump - our own outsiders have spanked the establishment, writes Rodney Hide.

Rodney Hide: Key's a pro at juggling hot spuds
COMMENT: There's a reason John Key remains PM, having outpolled five successive Labour Party leaders: he is smart. And not just smart: very smart.