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Dr Pamela Stoodley on strategies to live a happy life
A book on achieving happiness says it's not just all in the mind – it's in the gut too.

Remote control: Meet New Zealand's ultimate remote workers
From Bali to Portugal, Kiwis are zooming in around the world.

Is it time to do a mid-year stocktake of your life?
Are you where you want to be in your life?

Are today's pre-schoolers the worst-behaved generation ever?
Experts on how to deal with tantrums at the checkout.

Paul Little: Use the force - bring in army to end Parliament protest
OPINION: If this seems outlandish, so did closing our borders and staying home.

Paul Little: The best apps to organise your life
There are an ever-increasing number of note-taking apps.

'Take a step back': How to procrastinate and still get things done
How to make procrastination work for you in wonderful ways.

Kiwis take up the call to explore their backyard
Covid-19 gives Kiwis the chance to explore regions of NZ they've never seen before.

Sons of guns: The men who walk in their fathers' footsteps
We celebrate Father's Day by talking to five father-son pairs with a lot in common.

Paul Little: Why Joe Exotic is the new normal
From the sublime to the ridiculous: meanderings through Covid Level 4

Paul Little: We need each other, now more than ever
COMMENT: Coronavirus proves how much we depend on being close to other people.

Fake news and how to spot it
An election, two referenda and a pandemic mean a likely explosion of fake news.

How to tell what your dog is thinking
Do dogs smile? Yes. But probably not for the reason we think.

Bring it on! Fans of this uniquely NZ fruit get ready for harvest time
In praise of feijoas - fruit lovers get ready for their favourite time of year.

Paul Little: The bandwagon breaks down
Ricky Gervais ruffled feathers at the Golden Globes once again.

Trump, a new world's tallest building and a mission to mars - what's in store for 2020
2020 is shaping up to be a blockbuster for all of its 366 days, both here and overseas.

Paul Little: Expect the worst — and you'll get it
COMMENT: That life is disappointing is no bad thing.

Top five columns of 2019: Paul Little
These were the most read columns by Paul Little in 2019.

Paul Little: The difference between knowledge and intelligence
We will be more knowledgeable when New Zealand history is on the syllabus.

Paul Little: We don't need police with guns on our streets
COMMENT: The alternative to being tough on crime is being sensible on crime.

Paul Little: From the heart of Simon Bridges
COMMENT: The National Party leader says he is not a "heartless bastard".

Paul Little: It's a miracle any of us is alive
COMMENT: Life on Earth itself is a matter of dumb luck.

Paul Little: Should Cabinet ministers be allowed to play with guns?
Shane Jones touted an AR-15 while on holiday in Thailand.

Paul Little: Is $7.5b actually a lot of money these days?
COMMENT: Imagine what surplus might have been if business folk were looking on sunny side.

The secret revealed: How to feel younger
Subjective age affects physical health, life satisfaction and depressive symptoms.

Paul Little: Neighbours draw the (clothes)line
COMMENT: Hobby Point appears to be suffering from OCD – Obsessive Community Disorder.

Paul Little: I'm as mad as hell about Greta Thunberg
COMMENT: The campaigner has continued to make her eloquent case heard around the world.

Am I missing something on Netflix? Things we never worried about 10 years ago
Should we really have these modern-day anxieties?

Paul Little: Te reo adds to our cultural identity
COMMENT: There has been no commitment to making our second language compulsory in schools.

Paul Little: Vaccinating kids against stupidity
COMMENT: Literacy and numeracy standards are complex subjects.

Paul Little: What do white men know?
COMMENT: I probably won't be first person to tell you that being a white guy is awesome.

Paul Little: Saving the world, one teabag at a time
COMMENT: Who would have thought that the humble teabag hid so much danger?

Paul Little: It's time to make 'Kiwi' extinct
COMMENT: It's time to stop people calling us – and to stop calling ourselves - Kiwi.

Paul Little: From free love to free for all
COMMENT: What happened to the Woodstock generation?

Paul Little: The people not having kids to save the environment
COMMENT: Many people are deciding not to have children, and they have a good case.

Paul Little: Forget hygge - the Dutch have given us niksen. But does it work?
COMMENT: Niksen is the default setting for dealing with international concerns.

Paul Little: Why Sir Ed stands at the peak
COMMENT: Everyone wanted to be on Ed's team. Everyone wanted to please him.

Paul Little: Hate can be a force for good
COMMENT: Not all people labelled haters actually meet the criteria.

Paul Little: End of Life Choice bill is alive
COMMENT: A six-month rebate on suffering is better than none.

Paul Little: The Tamakis are getting increasingly desperate
COMMENT: Their deplorable views should be given the widest possible exposure.

Paul Little: Consumerism is killing the planet
COMMENT: What is the ultimate limit of human endurance?

Paul Little: The truth about workplace bullying
COMMENT: Workplace bullying is a misuse of power.

ROFL, selfie, woke - where do words come from?
The Oxford English Dictionary is about to release its latest online update.

Paul Little: What the Game of Thrones ending taught us
COMMENT: People who would struggle to paint a toenail have pulled apart the art direction.

Paul Little: Turning our taonga into pet food
COMMENT: The scandal over Foulden Maar has reached critical mass.

Paul Little: Alarming climate change research
COMMENT: Most of us will accept that we've been profligate with our planet.

So good it's bad - The secrets of AliExpress
COMMENT: Chinese-based site proffers knicknacks to a global base of gullible consumers.

When did gender reveal parties and other rituals become a thing?
We are a society built on rituals, whether we recognise them as such or not.

Looking for a new diet? Here's what Jesus ate
Do we need to look for new diets when we can look at what our forebears consumed?

Paul Little: We obliterate our own heritage
COMMENT: No one has ever been required to replace a building they have destroyed.

Paul Little: RSA calls time on support for Muslim community
COMMENT: The 50 people shot and killed on March 15 are certainly Kiwis who fell in war.

Paul Little: Spare a thought for Donald Trump
COMMENT: We all know how much faith we can put in what the US President says.

Paul Little: Let world see good in action
COMMENT: The grief since 50 people were killed has been empowering.

Paul Little: Whining aside, the internet rules
COMMENT: Do not listen to nostalgist Luddites who tell you we were better off without it.

Paul Little: Meaty issues for vegans
COMMENT: People who hold extreme views tend to be a bit judgy.

Paul Little: It's like Les Miserables in reverse
COMMENT: Finally, the wealthy are rising up against their proletarian oppressors.

Paul Little: Why would Google change now?
It has been proposed Facebook and Google should pay tax on the money they earn from NZ.

Paul Little: NZ Post - a post-modern postal service
Comment: NZ Post sent a letter asking people to throw it away.

Comment: NZ Holocaust denial is out there
Comment: The 20th century was hardly short of landmark historical events.

Paul Little: Is 'special relationship' with Australia worth it?
COMMENT:Is special relationship with Australia worth it given their race-relations record?

Paul Little: Honestly, I don't give a scoot
COMMENT: Hopefully Lime scooters will be the biggest thing to complain about in 2019.

PR your life like Meghan: Fake it 'til you make it
Could individuals benefit from applying the principles of PR to their own lives?

Paul Little: I furnished a whole house with Ikea
COMMENT: There's a goodly portion of cultural cringe in all this.

Paul Little: Would aliens sit in traffic jams?
COMMENT: We are humans and we would rather be stubborn than sensible.

Paul Little: Happy new year ... but for how long?
COMMENT: The number one threat to humanity's continued existence is human beings.

Paul Little: The game of the name
COMMENT: Education Minister has declined a request from Victoria University of Wellington.

Paul Little: Grace Millane case highlights a terrible double standard
COMMENT: Grace Millane deserves every tribute. But so did those other victims.

Paul Little: The right to bare feet in public
COMMENT: Bare feet are a litmus test for how we feel about ourselves and our society.

Paul Little: System failed serial drink-driver
COMMENT: Gavin Hawthorn's case exemplifies a lot of what is wrong with our justice system.