Mike Hosking has hosted his number one Breakfast show on Newstalk ZB since 2008. Listen live each weekday from 6am on Newstalk ZB.
We are your advocate, Aotearoa. Uncovering stories that matter, asking hard-hitting questions of those in power, live-blogging sport events, monitoring the highs and lows of the NZX and providing Premium expert opinion and analysis. Bringing you distinctive, quality journalism and breaking news from across New Zealand and around the world. With specialists working together to create indepth reads, engaging video, and unmissable podcasts.

Mike Hosking: Don’t expect too much from Cop28
OPINION: Like it or not, and Cop will not like it one bit, but the world needs oil.

Mike Hosking: Luxon holds the coalition power, people forget that
OPINION: NZ First does not hold the balance of power in the previously understood sense.

Mike Hosking: Special votes won’t change a thing
OPINION: We saw a mass rejection of the Labour Party a few weeks back.

Mike Hosking: The only question left in this election
OPINION: Winston Peters? I don’t know whether to admire him or be repulsed.

Mike Hosking: Why Luxon is winning the campaign for National
OPINION: Make no mistake, the tide has turned.

Mike Hosking: Let's talk about these things during this election campaign
OPINION: Luxon needs to explain if New Zealand First is in or are they out?

Mike Hosking: Hipkins and Peters are as bad as each other
OPINION: The two will say and do anything to get your vote this election.

Mike Hosking: Labour’s new slogan meaningless, it’s results that count
OPINION: Apparently Labour is “In It For You". Not for me, writes Mike Hosking.

Mike Hosking: Labour will get punished this election - for what they did do
OPINION: Ironically it's what Labour did do, not what they didn't, that will hurt them.

Mike Hosking: Do you feel safer after Govt's mad crime and justice experiment?
OPINION: Govt doing the opposite to what polls show people want, Mike Hosking writes.

Mike Hosking: This gaslighting Police Minister is a disgrace to the office
OPINION: Being soft on crime gets you the mess we have.

Mike Hosking: Education's a shambles, it's time for performance-based pay
OPINION: Why do they keep sticking with a model that clearly doesn’t work?

Mike Hosking inside Westminster Abbey: Prince Harry looked lost
Opinion: Inside the Abbey most people couldn't actually see a thing, but I was lucky.

'A show I will never forget': Mike Hosking reflects on the King's coronation
Mike Hosking recounts the many unforgettable moments of the Coronation.

Mike Hosking: Govt’s economic choices coming back to haunt us
How long can we keep saying we're 'well placed' to deal with an economic calamity?

Mike Hosking: Is the Govt trying to buy a third term?
OPINION: Why isn't National streets ahead in the polls?

Mike Hosking: The backstory - what led to now ex-Police Minister going on-air
OPINION: Nash is a regular listener and takes a bit of heat on this programme.

Mike Hosking: Crime, economy and health stats against the Govt
OPINION: The numbers that will sink the Government at the next election.

Mike Hosking: After six years this Govt is still blaming National for their own incompetence
OPINION: Failure to deliver will cost Labour a third term.

Mike Hosking: Hipkins’ truancy announcement has come too late
OPINION: Why was nothing done when he was Minister for Education?

Mike Hosking: New leader, same Labour Party - why Hipkins can't win
OPINION: Chris Hipkins' record speaks for itself.

Mike Hosking: Labour promises next year will be different. Really, how?
OPINION: No government wins a third term when you have shifted the economy into reverse.

Mike Hosking: Is the Government no longer trying?
OPINION: PM has missed the mark on crime — and then there’s Three Waters.

Mike Hosking: Three Waters is a stinker of a policy
OPINION: The policy is a dog, and if Labour had half a brain they would bin it.

Mike Hosking: Cop this - no one on global stage cares what we do
OPINION: Climate change meeting No 27 will lead to nothing.

Mike Hosking: 10 more reasons this Govt won’t get a third term
OPINION: When it comes to delivery, this lot couldn’t deliver pizza.

Hosking: Labour mastering the art of the own goal thanks to these three ministers
OPINION: They are starting to look like a party set on self-destruction.

Mike Hosking: Living in a fool's pavlova paradise
OPINION: The simple truth around the economy is that the day of reckoning is coming.

Mike Hosking: Damage already done for desperate Govt's election chances
OPINION: Last week showed how out of touch they really are.

Mike Hosking: The only election question in my mind - how badly will Labour lose?
OPINION: All the talk of kindness and being open and transparent was essentially a con.

Mike Hosking: The Government has re-engineered democracy
OPINION: Deeply disturbing wrong committed by the Government against its own people.

Mike Hosking: The blunt, astonishingly bad economic picture confronting us
OPINION: We have made it way worse than it ever needed to be.

Mike Hosking: Think big Christchurch - city's future is what we could only dream of
OPINION: Christchurch is every bit the gateway to the country as Auckland is.

Mike Hosking: Seize the day Christchurch - new stadium will crown you NZ's best city
OPINION: While Auckland and Wgtn fiddle and twiddle, Chch became a seismic blank canvas.

Mike Hosking: The All Blacks' biggest issue - and why it's not all Foster's fault
This is not a reason to panic and pull out the knives. This is the time for perspective.

Mike Hosking: The dire situation in our hospitals is an irony of the Govt's making
OPINION: Will this turn out to be another of Chris Hipkins' "regrets".

Mike Hosking: Reshuffle shows how short of talent the Government really is
OPINION: PM's appointments created problems a beleaguered government could do without.

Mike Hosking: A premiership for the Warriors looks a long way off
Getting rid of Nathan Brown doesn't solve anything.

Mike Hosking: Adrian Orr's optimistic view is gobsmackingly naive
OPINION: If he's wrong it'll be you and I who pay the price.

Mike Hosking: The Budget smokescreen that's hiding the real mess
OPINION: We are adding to our debt with each and every announcement.

Mike Hosking: Open and honest govt? What a joke
OPINION: Three Waters is a classic example, self governance is another.

Mike Hosking: The cost of Covid over-reach - our failing economy's in a world of trouble
OPINION: We are in a world of trouble, writes Hosking.

Mike Hosking: This Govt's in denial over rising gang violence
OPINION: People don't feel safe and the blame lies with the Government.

Mike Hosking: 'Rot setting in' - why Labour is losing in the polls
OPINION: Handed a crisis, the Govt made too many mistakes and not enough apologies.

Mike's Minute: Petrol tax cut exposes Govt's economic weakness
OPINION: The cut is a very small band-aid.

Mike Hosking: Luxon has made Ardern look out of touch
OPINION: The Government walked into National's trap over the cost-of-living crisis.

Mike Hosking: World's reaction to Ukraine invasion gives me hope
"Never have I seen such a coordinated, effective and immediate response to a crisis."

Mike Hosking: Where is our absent government when the going gets tough?
OPINION: The PM keeps trying to imply red-light life is normal - it isn't of course.

Mike Hosking: Even Labour voters feel shunned and disillusioned
OPINION: There is a huge price to pay for pulling the drawbridge up.

Mike Hosking: Why do we accept this Covid farce from the Govt?
OPINION: If only Jacinda Ardern was more like Scott Morrison.

Mike Hosking: Why this year was worse than last - and my politician of 2021
OPINION: It didn't need to be as bad as it was.

Mike Hosking: All I want for Christmas is a government that's up to the job… fat chance
OPINION: Government's Covid response has been lacking since day one.

Mike Hosking: Royal commission needed into our terrible Covid response
OPINION: It didn't need to be as bad as it was.

Mike Hosking: Cancelling Christmas was never an option
OPINION: In a sense, this has been a game of chicken.

Mike Hosking: Give vaccine stragglers a deadline then let's move on without them
OPINION: If you'd rather watch Squid Game than save your own life, that's your call.

Mike Hosking: While we did our job, the Govt has failed
OPINION: It has been and continues to unfold as an abject failure.

Mike Hosking: Elimination strategy was doomed from the start
OPINION: As we enter this new phase, the cold hard truth is being laid bare.

Mike Hosking: This Govt has been superb on fear - now it's time for hope
OPINION: The world is moving on while we are frozen scared.

Mike Hosking: When will our Government admit its errors?
OPINION: It's not how you start, it's how you finish — so how does this finish?

Watch: Hosking - I've had a Covid jab, how will Govt convince you to get yours?
OPINION: Will the lack of incentives by the Govt to get jabbed bite them? My guess is yes.

Mike Hosking: We'll be spending Christmas at home in NZ again - or I'll vote Labour
OPINION: This government got elected with the power of incumbency and fear.

Mike Hosking: Government owes us an apology for the vaccine mess
OPINION: There is no need to be in the state we are.

Mike Hosking: All announcements, but zero progress
OPINION: Govt promises houses, bridges, rail, workers but delivers nothing.

Mike Hosking: The Government is playing whack-a-mole with Covid
OPINION: The vaccine is key to moving forward - but this is a joke.

Mike Hosking: I'm happy to bet Winston's comeback will fail
OPINION: People are sick of him - once you've lost, it's awfully hard to come back.

Mike Hosking: Hard times for those hoping to buy their first home
OPINION: The more the Government promises, the less it delivers.

Mike Hosking: The Government would have you believe the economy is on fire - it's a con
OPINION: Cooking with gas? It's an elaborate charade.

Mike Hosking: Labour's on the way out, or I'm off to Australia
OPINION: The world is rejecting left-leaning politics.

Mike Hosking: That sinking feeling Kiwis will flee to Australia
OPINION: NZ is treading water at best, slowly sinking at worst.

Mike Hosking: Govt's new rules on housing haven't made a jot of difference
OPINION: No bubble has ever burst and that's not changing this time.

Mike Hosking: Has the Government sabotaged our economy?
OPINION: The frightening thing is, there is more to come.

Mike Hosking: NZ being left behind in race to move on from Covid
OPINION: The Government's attitude is to blame.

Mike Hosking: 'Lightweight' PM running for the hills
OPINION: "The Prime Minister is a lightweight at answering tough questions."

Mike Hosking: Why are we treating Queenstown with such scant regard?
OPINION: Queenstown is in a world of trouble and the Government doesn't want to know.

Mike Hosking: Australia has a Covid plan and a vision - NZ has neither
OPINION: New Zealand has dropped the ball compared to Australia.

Mike Hosking: Just like Biden, the media needs to keep Ardern honest
OPINION: Questioning around our own Govt appears so far this year to be underwhelming.

Hosking: 2020 in review - 'Too many of us turned out to be sheep'
OPINION: As a nation, our ambition and aspiration seems to have been sapped.