Meghan Lawrence is a reporter for the New Zealand Herald
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Landlord ordered to pay 32 tenants for insulation breaches
More than 200 landlords have been taken to court over insulation problems.

Excavation row: Owner 'wants to get it fixed', then consent
It's unclear how long the repair work will take at the Kingsland property.

'Dangerous' Auckland home renovation shut down
"If the place is dangerous, it needs to be fixed immediately as there are lives at risk."

Auckland City Mission struggling to keep up with food demands
The charity has seen a 40 per cent increase in demand for food parcels this year.

Call for compulsory seatbelts following horrific bus crash
"If the occupants of that bus had been wearing seatbelts, they'd probably be alive."

Measles could turn deadly: Now 991 confirmed cases
Health officials reveal the latest on the measles outbreak.

Doctors running out of MMR vaccine as demand grows
Vials of the MMR vaccine have been flying off the shelves at a rate of 20,000 per month.

Pensioner died alone, from hypothermia, in council flat
Bryan McGinty, 73, lay dead for up to five days before he was found on June 24.

12-year-old Max has 50% chance of dying from measles
A kidney transplant and medication has cancelled out Max's immunity to measles.

Family overwhelmed by support after special needs man assaulted in Upper Hutt
Raymond Burnside, 45, was assaulted on his way home in Lower Hutt on Wednesday evening.

'Tornado' hits waterfront, leaves path of destruction
Auckland may feel some reprieve today, but the trough is expected to move to the east.

Split-second move: Father swerves out of path of fish-tailing truck
"In my 30 years of driving, it was the closest it has ever been."

Community get a voice on new youth justice facility in South Auckland
The ministry wants to repurpose an existing facility into a youth justice residence.

Pregnant prison staff sent home after inmate contracts measles
Five pregnant Mt Eden prison staff have been sent home after a measles case was confirmed.

'A classic mistake': Coroner's decision called victim blaming
"We don't know if coroner's can be censured, but this one certainly needs to be."

Mould and damp: Tenants evicted after complaining
"The walls are wet and there is mould on the roof, windows and in the wall paper."

Suspect in shooting of Kiwi in Melbourne hands himself in
Ben Togiai, 33, was shot dead outside a boxing event in Melbourne on March 1.

Family want charges laid after crash left toddler paralysed
"We're just angry at everything we've been going through and still no one's been charged."

Teens on road to sporting success thanks to Variety scholarships
"It was either pay the bills or my son would play for weeks with holes in his shoes."

Silver Ferns coach praised: 'Fossils' sign off in style
This 52-51 triumph seemed so much more improbable than any before.

Variety Appeal looks to remedy too many Kiwi kids sleeping on the floor
More than one in 10 children in our poorest communities don't have their own beds.

Life support off, paralysed crash toddler fights on
Amirah Najim-Phillips, 2, has been breathing for 24 hours on her own after a month in ICU.

Ministry apology: Mum of severely disabled daughter denied aid
"I've given up my entire life and marriage to care for her at home," says angry mum.

'I look five months pregnant': Patient pleads for treatment
'I've been putting up with this pain since March and they just keep sending me home.'

'Mind-blowing': Literary detective uncovers forgotten Katherine Mansfield story
Dr Martin Griffiths came across the story in a 1910 edition of The Sydney Star.

Pen-pals with infamous killer: 'Dad would've had a hissy fit'
Turbott wasn't aware she was visiting one of two people behind the Bassett Rd murders.

The new enclosures coming to Auckland Zoo
Auckland Zoo saying goodbye to traditional exhibits like the tiger pit.

Queensland's $1045 cellphone fines - AA wants same for NZ
Currently Kiwi drivers who are caught using a phone get a $80 fine and 20 demerit points.

SH1 fatal crash: Family torn apart, 2yo won't walk again
"We are just praying to God that our baby is going to stay here with us."

Burns, broken teeth and explosions: Vaping injuries on the rise
In the past four years, ACC has received 76 claims for e-cigarette or vape injuries.

The most dangerous weekend: First weekend of May tops ACC claims
The first weekend in May has received the most claims for four out of the past five years.

Horror crash: 'Today is Nivek's 1st birthday in heaven'
Regrets and grief one year on from the Waverley crash which claimed seven lives.

Truckies want Kiwis to send in photos of bad roads to show Government
Truck drivers say roads are in a state of disrepair and it's a major safety issue.

Best of 2019: The 15-year-old mystery - Where is Jim Donnelly?
It's been 15 years since Jim Donnelly disappeared without a trace.

Taxi driver has nose broken in Lower Hutt knife attack
Harpreet Singh, 31, was left with a broken nose and a large gash to his hand.

'It's a wonder there were any survivors': Teen critically hurt in Chch crash
A 19-year-old passenger was trapped when the car flipped.

1 in 5 land searches involve people with dementia
Statistics show 23 per cent of all land searches in New Zealand are for wanderers.

Michael's 'Angels': Women hailed after saving father-of-eight
Michael Vaiking, 51, was on his lunch break when he suffered a life-threatening seizure.

The missing: Families' heartache over mysteries
Over half a dozen people have gone missing this year and are yet to be found.

e-Scooters: Head injury experts want tougher rules
Almost 400 people have reported head injuries caused while using e-scooters.

Government stops armoured vehicle raffle in its tracks
Five days after tickets started selling, the Department of Internal Affairs stepped in.

Royal honour for child psychiatrist Hinemoa Elder
Elder is an advocate for greater awareness of Māori cultural needs in the health sector.

New design for Harbour Bridge shared path announced
The decision comes after the concept for the path was created more than a decade ago.

Stranger danger: Police investigate approaches to school children
Two students were approached by strangers while walking home from school in Auckland.

'We thought she was going to die': Witness describes horrific crash in West Auckland
"We thought she was going to die, but once they got her out she was still alive."

Security guard attacked at Waikato Hospital lucky to be alive
A man alleged to have assaulted staff has been remanded for mental health assessment.

Family of 10 left with nothing after fire destroys their home
Ray and Reta Milovale couldn't do anything as flames engulfed their Papatoetoe home.

Businesses pledge to create jobs for Māori, Pasifika
Over 30 jobs will be created for South and West Aucklanders, Māori and Pacific people.

Public dispute council's timeline to reopen Waitākere Ranges
The plan identifies priorities for track upgrades and reopening over the next five years.

Elderly couple find love through Facebook community group
In a desperate plea to end his loneliness, Jerald Montillier, 75, turned to Facebook.

Fonterra's kind gesture life-changing for struggling family
For 15 years Andrew Oliver has greeted the milk tanker at his front gate every evening.

Mother of missing woman Jess Boyce says mental health system failed her
Jessica Boyce, 27, has not been seen since Tuesday, March 19.

'This has left a big hole': Safety worries close two playgrounds at Auckland school
Education Ministry says playground upkeep and monitoring are the school's responsibility.

'Dirty, filthy environment': Further allegations about mental-health ward
"I wouldn't want my children to go there. I wouldn't put my dog in there."

Bloodstains, faeces and double-bunking: Ex-patient queries ward conditions
DHB denies mental health ward is filthy, saying coffee stains had been mistaken for blood.

NZ exceeds intake of red meat and sugary drinks
Improvement of diet could potentially prevent one in every five deaths globally.

Kiwi father killed in French Alps ski touring accident
On March 29, Dave Cocks left alone for a ski tour near Savoie, but didn't return.

Kiwis lost $33m to online scams and fraud last year
New Zealanders reported 13,000 instances of online scams and fraud and $33m in losses.

Many massacre remembrance services cancelled following police advice
Events in Southland and Waikato have been cancelled following advice from police.

Search for missing Marlborough woman suspended
Jessica Boyce, 27, has not been seen since March 19.

Investigation launched after images emerge of emaciated cattle
SAFE said it was appalled to see the emaciated state of the cows.

'One of the greatest men' leaves behind wife and five children
Thousands of people attended the funeral of Hafiz Musa Patel this afternoon.

NZ's darkest day: 'Our hearts are heavy but our spirit is strong'
"That quiet Friday afternoon has become our darkest of days," Jacinda Arden said.

Father uses nation's mourning to educate son about love and solidarity
"It's not about showing him what has happened, it's to show him the love and compassion."

Air NZ backdown: Airline caps, refunds Christchurch fares following outrage
Air NZ was facing public and Government criticism for return airfares as high as $787.

Castor Bay resident disgusted by man burying rubbish on Auckland beach
The rubbish bag looked to contain party supplies including paper plates and serviettes.

Stirring haka sends off Kiwi shot dead outside Melbourne boxing match
Hundreds gathered at a church in Melbourne yesterday to farewell Ben Togiai.

Māngere murder: Widow induced as family mourn victim
'He was only a day away from being in hospital with his wife preparing for the baby.'

Watch: Motorway madness - Speedster causes horror crash
The vehicle slams into a car and sparks terrible scenes on Auckland motorway.

Family mourn unexpected death of young husband and father
Chris Dawson, 39, died on Saturday after suffering a cardiac event while out running.

Boat propeller death: How teen's fun day turned tragic
Six weeks after starting high school, Billy Crabb had already left a mark.

Pauanui boat propeller tragedy: Friends' tributes to rising star
Teen killed in Coromandel boating accident was a promising rugby player and student.

Beach tragedy: Teen on sea biscuit fatally struck by propeller
The teen was on a sea biscuit and was struck by the boat's propeller.

Murder charge: Denver Chance's family devastated after police find body
Chance's body was found at an address in Kingseat, near Papakura, yesterday afternoon.

Lime pushes for more cycle lanes, 'madness' still using pavements
Lime e-scooters returned to Auckland streets yesterday after a 13-day hiatus.

'Mangled mess': Three Chinese tourists dead, five injured in Tekapo crash
One of the first people at the scene of the triple fatal crash describes the scene.

Footpath horror: Elderly man critically injured in Newmarket
Years of complaints to Auckland Council about dangerous tree - but nothing was done.

School students crammed on to overcrowded buses
"If the bus stops too fast everyone falls over like 10 Pin Bowling."