Mark Dawson is editor of the Whanganui Chronicle
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Bennett a hero to some as he owns up to leak
Bennett a hero to some for his part in leak of iwi claims document

'I leaked iwi claims document', says councillor
Councillor who leaked sensitive iwi claims document has no regrets

Editorial: Mike King delivers message every student should hear
Former comic puts on another great show, this time talking to students about mental health

100 and out as Castlecliff Bowling Club closes its doors
Bowls club folds -- prime development site up for sale

Editorial: Support participation in sport -- sure. But make it girls AND boys
It seems women and girls will continue to be treated as "the weaker sex" in sport

Editorial: Ardern's mothering feat is not unusual
A baby at the UN is unusual, but working mums juggle child care all the time.

New Zealand's oldest daily newspaper changes its name
New Zealand's oldest daily changes its name

Editorial: Despite shooting, 'gang town' label is still way wide of the mark
Someone gets shot and, for a brief spell, it's all about the gangs

Our view: Politicians the real dodgy characters
Malcolm Turnbull is the fourth prime minister in a decade to be ousted by colleagues.

Editorial: Shock departure casts a cloud over Whanganui's economic agency
Out-of-the-blue resignation not a good look for Whanganui's economic agency

Special Chronicle offer for stunning new glossy book on Whanganui
Whanganui in all its glory -- super book offer for Chronicle readers

Editorial: University vice-chancellor eats her own words with Brash ban
It takes a heck of a lot to trump the right to freedom of speech

Editorial: School is only guilty of naivety
Mark Dawson on the fallout of boxer Joseph Parker's controversial visit to a city school.

Editorial: Predictable attack on Borrows by hardline law-and-order lobby
Tougher "punishment" tends to produce hardened people more likely to offend again

Metro colts favourites to nail their third trophy of the season
Metro favourites for Saturday's final as they bid to complete triple crown

Bizarre tales of Whanganui prove truth is stranger than fiction
Stranger than fiction -- these quirky tales from Whanganui's bygone era are all true.

Editorial: Not so simple for Simon to bridge the gap
Time to check what odds you can on Judith Collins leading National sometime late 2019.

Editorial: Security cameras become a murky problem
Security camera concerns - who sees what and is privacy at risk?

Editorial: Doing without what you couldn't do without
Shame of being spotted with a plastic shopping bag - like being caught smoking in public

Editorial: Please be careful what you 'accept', Jacinda
Ardern learning the language - and lessons - of international diplomacy

Euthanasia debate to be fought out in Whanganui
The man behind the euthanasia bill heads to Whanganui to make his case.

Editorial: Police and Immigration over the top in treatment of Mark Middleton
Heavy-handed action reflects badly on police and Immigration NZ

Opinion | Why John Key should have flagged his legacy project
John Key's biggest regret - hoisted by his own flag petard.

Jones spot on about our so-called 'national carrier'
Air NZ has turned its back on the regions and taxpayers are right to be upset

Editorial: National's women - nothing for Bridges to brag about
Bridges emphasis on female roles looks tokenist and naive.

Review: Brilliant Tempest produces a storm of laughs
Great cast, great setting -- another Shakespearean triumph at the botanic gardens

Editorial: Money talks ... and only it will change US gun laws
Gassroots action offers a slim chance of changes in US gun laws

Social enterprise business expo kicks off
Social enterprise expo goes plastic free - thanks to prisoners' efforts.

Editorial: Re-think on state housing to be applauded
New houses represent a U-turn by Housing NZ -- and it is most welcome.

Editorial: Bob Jones -- Knight in shaming odour
White, unelected empire-builder ... the knighthood sits fine with Bob Jones

Editorial: Winter Olympics bridges gaps and brings hope
It's not peace in our time but it is cause for hope as sport brings two Koreas together

English just keeping the seat warm
Why does Bill English stay on ... it's only a matter of time

Editorial: Good Lorde, what a dilemma
Remember when some people thought sport and politics shouldn't be mixed? How about music?

Editorial: Why they want us in driverless cars
Driverless cars - another chance to sell you something you don't need or want

Bennett recalls her Whanganui court appearance
Paula Bennett back to Whanganui for the first time since her court appearance as a witness

1080 blackmailer was 'a bit tricky'
Retired Whanganui farmer Colin Cox thinks Jeremy Kerr, who was jailed for threatening to poison infant milk formula with 1080, was a bit tricky.