Mind Matters Psychotherapist Kyle MacDonald answers your mental health questions. If you have a question, email
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Kyle MacDonald: My new partner is too affectionate; how do I tell him to stop?
Step back and ask yourself some questions, writes Kyle MacDonald.

Kyle MacDonald: My teen is unmotivated and says I expect too much from them
What can I do to get my teenager motivated?

Mind matters: How can I restart my social life?
Learning how to engage with the world again is a process

Kyle MacDonald: How to increase your chances of a new you this year
Only about 20% of New Year's resolutions make it past Jan. Here's how to make them work.

Kyle MacDonald: Why can't I get my 15-year-old son out of bed in the mornings?
The main problem is that teenager's brains work differently with regards to sleep.

Kyle MacDonald: My friends think I'm being co-dependent on my partner
What are the signs that a relationship has become co-dependent?

Money, grief and stress: How to defuse family tension this Christmas
We spoke to Kyle MacDonald about ways to ease tension this festive season.

Kyle MacDonald: How do I properly recharge after an exhausting year?
There's a difference between rest and rejuvenation. It's important to do a bit of both.

Kyle MacDonald: How to deal with bereavement and grief at Christmas time
Grief can come and go, it's vital to stay connected with those who are still around.

Kyle MacDonald: I’m feeling anxious about becoming a father
The important thing is to make sense of how you are feeling and learn from it

Kyle MacDonald: How do I manage the guilt of not spending time with family at Christmas?
As the end of the year approaches, so does the inevitable politics of family Christmas

Kyle MacDonald: Is it wrong to be single for the rest of your life?
There is no law that says you have to be with someone to find happiness.

Kyle MacDonald: I can't afford counselling, what should I do?
The most straightforward use of a handful of sessions is to see if therapy may benefit you

Kyle MacDonald: I have a friend who can't take a compliment, how can I help?
It can be hard to take compliments if they believe negative or hateful ideas to be true.

Doctor says there's nothing wrong, but why am I tired all the time?
ADVICE: 'I don't feel sad or depressed - just tired.'

Kyle MacDonald: How can I reconcile with my daughter?
Reconciliation can be difficult as time goes on - the trick is to swallow your pride.

Kyle MacDonald: What causes depression?
The cause of depression isn't 'one-size-fits-all', it varies widely from person to person.

Kyle MacDonald: I'm exhausted by social media, how can I manage it better?
There's a lot going on in the world so it's easy to feel overwhelmed by online chatter.

Kyle MacDonald: My workmate is a control-freak and I'm fed up with it. What should I do?
Keeping a controlling workmate at arm's length is easier said than done.

Kyle MacDonald: A family member is using drugs. What should I do?
Staging an intervention may not be the best course of action to tackle addiction.

Kyle MacDonald: My money issues are affecting my relationship
Anxiety about spending too much money and running short is a common problem.

Kyle MacDonald: I can't focus on my work, do I have ADHD?
The inability to concentrate at work can be the result of a number of factors.

Kyle MacDonald: How can I be friends with my ex when I can't move on?
Breaking up is hard to do, but you can re-programme your attachment system.

Mind Matters: Antidepressants work but not in the way we thought
Perhaps the medication doesn't fix a broken brain but instead helps to reprogram it.

Kyle MacDonald: Are magic mushrooms good for depression?
A look into the benefits - or otherwise - of therapeutic psychedelic therapy

Mind Matters: Do we need to control anger?
Anger becomes toxic when it festers - but it can be good for you too.

Mind Matters: My daughter's friend is self-harming - what should I do?
Self harm is scary, but doesn't necessarily mean someone is at increased risk of suicide

Kyle MacDonald: My friend is fab, why does she always deny it?
Someone's negative view of themself can "protect" them from accepting compliments.

Kyle MacDonald: Turn off some inputs to clear your brain fog
When we start to feel overwhelmed we need to bring in the boundary of concern.

Kyle MacDonald: I've stopped drinking, should my partner stop too?
A conversation is needed about the support you need.

Kyle MacDonald: How can I stop falling for men who aren't right for me?
Successful long-term relationships are a never-ending balancing act.

Kyle MacDonald: 'My 14-year-old won't come out of the bedroom'
Connection to family life rather than the internet is good for everyone

Kyle MacDonald: How to talk to children about suicide of a parent
Whatever we say, a child must always understand they are not in any way responsible.

Kyle MacDonald: Back in the office and missing wine o'clock
I want to get back to just drinking at the weekend, any tips?

Kyle MacDonald: Unvaccinated and excluded - How do I rejoin society?
We can all take responsibility for our choices, accept the past consequences and move on.

Kyle MacDonald: As a domestic violence survivor, Depp v. Heard details are hard to hear
Trivialisation of the case is harmful in view of our grim intimate partner violence stats.

Kyle MacDonald: I've got the winter blues, what can I do?
The number one intervention with SAD is to increase your exposure to sunlight.

Psychotherapist Kyle MacDonald on how to recalibrate after the pandemic
Kyle MacDonald looks at how we can work out what happiness means for us in 2022.

Kyle MacDonald: How can I help my anti-vax friend?
You won't change your mate's mind but, given time, it will be okay to disagree.

Kyle MacDonald: It's unpleasant to be around my bad-tempered husband
A lot of anger - and we're not talking about violence - may be a sign of depression.

Kyle MacDonald: Anti-maskers wind me up every time I go out
Anger is understandable, even justified, but concentrate on what you can control.

Kyle MacDonald: How to cope with our turbulent Covid world
Being flexible and adjusting is the way to live the 'new normal'.

Kyle MacDonald: Is my partner addicted to social media?
Being connected to people in real life is more important than online connections

Kyle MacDonald: Covid, Omicron, protests, Ukraine - it's all too much
We can't control the events of the world but we can choose how to respond.

Kyle MacDonald: Will I get addicted to antidepressants?
Medication can be hard to stop but use it to support making healthy changes in your life.

Kyle MacDonald: How to turn down anxiety after a Covid case at school
Talk it through, trust the science, your school, and the protection of the vaccine.

Kyle MacDonald: How do adults beat the back to school blues?
With more space to yourself, you may find yourself feeling more emotions.

Kyle MacDonald: How to flourish in a pandemic world
Make the best of the situation you find yourself in and keep adapting.

Mind Matters with Kyle MacDonald: It's time to get sober-fit again
You can retrain yourself to stop - or reduce - overindulgence in alcohol.

Kyle MacDonald: How to help a loved one look on the bright side
Long-standing depression takes time - and willingness to attend therapy - to recover from.

Kyle MacDonald: Will you be ready to go on red?
It's understandable to feel anxious about returning to work - Covid is in the community.

Kyle MacDonald: Sending your kids back to school is terrifying
Ask questions of your school and teachers and ask your kids what they want to do.

Kyle MacDonald: Breaking up is hard to do
Here's how to move on after a long-term relationship ends.

Kyle MacDonald: What to do when someone pops your bubble
Trust is fundamental in relationships.

Kyle MacDonald: 'I'm sick of talking about Covid'
Sure, dive back under the covers - for the day - but stay connected with reality.

Kyle MacDonald: Living in a state of 'blah'
Turn languishing into flourishing by having day-to-day meaning during long lockdown.

Kyle MacDonald: Covid talk can be scary for kids
Provide thoughtful information - and perhaps keep them away from the daily 1pm briefings.

Kyle MacDonald: Are you ready to picnic?
Level changes lead to anxiety spikes and it can take time to readjust to the freedoms.

Kyle MacDonald: Lockdown has taken over my partner's life
Stress over not being able to see his mother is making him frustrated and volatile.

Kyle MacDonald: The pandemic and our collective grief
OPINION: We're in the grip of a historic event, and the only certainty is uncertainty.

Kyle MacDonald: I'm scared to go out despite alert level change
Lockdown is a worrying time - and so is changing levels back to normal life

Mind Matters: Overcoming the listless feeling
On boredom and guiding children through lockdown.

Kyle MacDonald: What do you love about lockdown?
Clarify what you enjoy and keep the positive changes as we move down alert levels.

Kyle MacDonald: Surviving the nightmares of lockdown
How to survive the nightmares of lockdown and mask-wearing

Kyle MacDonald: 4 ways to deal with anxiety over Covid Delta variant
Regulate your fear response through breathing, distraction, connection and external focus.

Kyle MacDonald: Covid jab - what to do if I'm scared of needles
Focus on preparation, what to do when getting your vaccination and how to use rewards.

Kyle MacDonald: How do I know if I'm an alcoholic?
If you are struggling with drinking, reach out for help.

Kyle MacDonald: Do I need to forgive my abuser to move on?
You have every right to feel how you feel about the person who abused you.

Kyle MacDonald: Is it okay to read my daughter's journal?
Your teen's thoughts are private and should be treated as such — despite the temptation.

Kyle MacDonald: Is there anything wrong with flirting with a workmate?
ADVICE: It's a bit of harmless fun generally - but may escalate into something more.

Kyle MacDonald: Should we give our teen tough love?
Tough love is not only ineffective, it's cruel.

Kyle MacDonald: Should I stop speaking to my mum?
Try and accept our parents are just flawed imperfect human beings like the rest of us.

'I don't love my wife any more, what should I do?': Why happily ever after is a myth
Advice: Long-term relationships are hard and we have to keep actively working at them.

Kyle MacDonald: Stuck in the middle when the ones you love don't get along
My wife and mother can't stand each other and I'm fighting with both of them.

I've stopped drinking, why are my friends being weird and pouring me drinks?
COMMENT: Practice is key and be gentle if you find it hard to stick to this goal.

Opinion: Jacinda has failed us on mental health - and it's only going to get worse
OPINION: Mental Health Commission's recent review reveals some news - and it's not good.