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Funding for new roading restricted, ministers pass buck to NZTA, Ō2NL still on list
The minister cites years of budget blowouts and cancellations for the change.

Horizons or Wellington: Horowhenua is exploring both for three waters deal
'We want the best option for our ratepayers.'

Water services return to Horowhenua council
The contract for this work expires at the end of the year and the change will save money

Changes to freshwater policy will allow more work on Horizons One Plan to be done
Delay gives more time to do a better job, including collecting more data from water users.

Foxton War Memorial Hall Society sees transfer as best option to save the treasured building
Society is determined to save the war memorial hall for community use against all odds.

Long-term parking incurs hefty fines at Levin Pak'nSave
Elderly shoppers for whom the daily shop is also a social outing feel they're chased away.

Model ship lands in Foxton in time for Big Dutch Day Out
De Heemskerck was the first European ship to sail south of Australia and visit NZ.

Application are open for Kāpiti and Horowhenua businesses
Chris Barber from the Bond Store shared his innovative story.

Oh, those cones, not to mention people doing nothing... just standing around
Electrical workers, road workers, would appreciate patience and respect rather than abuse.

Red Poll cattle: A resilient breed, farmers say
Delegation in New Zealand to talk about their favourite stock.

'Just dumb’: Society puzzled as to who else is in the running to acquire Foxton War Memorial Hall
Society proposes a fourth option to the council: sell to us.

Foxton bowling club opens new facilities
Everyone remembers where they were when the news came.

More consultation on fate of Foxton's War Memorial Hall
Horowhenua District Council is once again consulting on the sale of this hall.

New Raukawa GM focuses on improved sense of kotahitanga among all hapū/iwi
Tiwana Tibble takes inspiration from many local leaders that have shaped his thinking.

Royal status for Horowhenua AP&I Show
The Horowhenua AP&I Show has impressed the Royal Agricultural Society.

“We ALL want this road. Why hold it up?' Impassioned plea at O2NL hearing
Delays and cost blowouts are not only concerning: they cost lives.

Tukorehe hosts NZTE trade delegation
NZTE staff, based around the world, are helping raise the profile of New Zealand.

Collaborative learning demonstrated
Shannon School nurtures relationships (with people, awa, whenua...) through creative arts.

Professor Mātāmua appointed Chief Advisor Mātauranga Matariki
Professor Mātāmua, born and raised in Levin, appointed Chief Advisor Mātauranga Matariki

Horowhenua to lead health reform in iwi-led pilot
"Local initiatives show community leaders are fully engaged such as the Levin health hub."

Grants life-changing for environmental students
"The privilege of being able to focus on my studies without the looming thought of debt"

Whānau Resilience offers a way out of violence
For Whanau Resilience, the key to success in beating violence is involving both partners

Lake Horowhenua clean-up closer to reality
Horizons has bought a farm allowing it to build a wetland that will improve water quality.

Hemp has come home to Horowhenua
"Conveniently halfway between our factory and office and had the perfect premises."

No infrastructure projects cancelled yet ... but
"Ministers are working through options on how to take the programme forward.."

Levin Women's Bowling Club closes after 70 years
"It was the best little club in town, it is sad to see it go."

Regeneration of original bush ends karaka reign
Non-fruiting karaka are left to offer cover as the original diversity of species returns.

Royal status for 2021 AP&I Show sections
Royal status helps to attract more participants and competitors than ever to an AP&I show.

Horowhenua Business Park attracts government
"The return of this level of Government facility has been a long time coming."

Electric cars can now recharge in Foxton
No need for range anxiety for EV owners with charging stations along SH1 every 75km.

Laying a mystery to rest: UK couple find truth about long-lost uncle
After an extensive search that provided another mystery, an old soldier has been honoured.

NZTA admits it has no funding for expressway
NZTA admits it has no money for expressway nor for safety measures for the existing road.

'Too ridiculous for words': Woman's 2c refund from IRD
"What a waste of money to keep sending this to me."

Teen's brainchild gets $50,000 boost
Study launched into better education and employment for young people, thanks to Liam.

Expressway route decision known by year end - NZTA
NZTA promises the definitive route for he Expressway will be known by the end of the year.

Kiwi soldier who died in 1965 finally buried at home
Terry Healey died in Singapore, now his body has finally been laid to rest at home.