PhD in Soil Science, has been analysing agri-environment interaction for several decades.
Member of the Scientific Council of the World Farmers’ Organisation and on the Board of Directors of several agricultural organisations.

Opinion: Why budget battles make politics a zero-sum game
OPINION: In a zero-sum game of a finite budget, for every winner, there is a loser.

Food prices are rising - so why aren't farmers happy?
The Country looks back at some of the biggest and best stories of the past 12 months.

Opinion: Why Shane Jones' food production warning should be heeded
The Country looks back at some of the biggest and best stories of the past 12 months.

Why the good old days are now: Dr Jacqueline Rowarth
Dr Jacqueline Rowarth looks back at 2024 and what's in store for the future.

Dr Jacqueline Rowarth: Restoring confidence in farming - and science
Opinion: The Government and sector should work together to get Wellington out of farming.

Opinion: Why farmers need field trials
Opinion: It's hard to imagine how an agricultural model could give a complete picture.

Climate Change: Could food rationing become a reality?
OPINION: Would the public accept climate-motivated rationing?

How Kiwi dairy farmers can help the world
Opinion: Dairy can help New Zealand, and the world, reach its biodiversity targets.

Dr Jacqueline Rowarth: Why Shane Jones' food production warning should be heeded
OPINION: How food production woes affect all of us.

Opinion: Why education needs investment in NZ
OPINION: NZ must sort out domestic education to ensure a supply for the workforce.

Taking a closer look at supermarket prices - opinion
Opinion: Supermarkets have borne the brunt of complaints about margins and profits.

Opinion: Seine Olympic water woes and NZ's wastewater infrastructure
OPINION: Expensive work on wastewater infrastructure can result in closed beaches.

Opinion: If farmers can’t cover costs, what then for the economy?
Opinion: Most people in New Zealand know that farming is important for the economy.

Jacqueline Rowarth: What NZ needs to double its exports in 10 years
OPINION: Doubling exports' value within 10 years takes more than restating the goal.

Climate change: NZ needs to get agriculture settings right
OPINION: Fragmentation leads to duplication, gaps and unintended consequences.

Why schoolkids and farmers need science
Opinion: NZ's next crop of expertise needs to be coming through the education system now.

Dr Jacqueline Rowarth: Why farmers need co-operatives
Opinion: Co-op's are doing together what nobody can do alone.

Time for innovation conversations at Fieldays - Dr Jacqueline Rowarth
OPINION: At its heart, Fieldays is about innovation.

Opinion: The 3 Fs - Why we should teach food security in schools
OPINION: The three Rs are important in education, and so are the three Fs.

Food prices are rising - so why aren't farmers happy?
OPINION: The closer the consumer is to the basic product, the more the farmer receives.

Opinion: Why farmers need scientists
Opinion: Cuts in CRI scientist numbers will have long-term impacts for the primary sector.

Separating fact from fiction on social media
OPINION: Social media is not the professional’s friend.

Opinion: Can Kiwi farmers learn from Pāmu's woes?
Opinion: Dr Jacqueline Rowarth on the lessons landowners could learn from Landcorp.

Opinion: What nature can teach us about resilience
OPINION: Sometimes we forget we are part of nature.

Farming research: Great - what do we do with it?
OPINION: Few reviews give insights that farmers can use.

Why this vegetarian thinks you should eat more meat
OPINION: Dr Rowarth, a vegetarian for nearly 50 years, on the benefits of red meat.

Dr Jacqueline Rowarth: Is food really too expensive?
OPINION: Farmers are literally making hay while the sun shines.

Dr Jacqueline Rowarth: Farmers help make NZ a great place to live
Opinion: NZ is the eighth-best country in the world. Agriculture can make it even better.

The odd logic behind dissing the NZ brand overseas
A "picturesque" environment depends on the economy and our reputation.

Comment: Farmers must regain prestige
Farmers need food several times a day and food to have been produced sustainably.

Is pricing holding back Fair Trade?
Comment: Fair trade should be for everybody – that's what makes it fair.

NZ dairy farmers share similar woes to Aussie counterparts
New Zealand dairy farmers are operating in the red, just like their Aussie counterparts.

Will consumers pay up for glyphosate-free production?
It is possible to produce food without using glyphosate – organic producers manage.