Jack Tame hosts Saturday Mornings 9am-noon on Newstalk ZB.
We are your advocate, Aotearoa. Uncovering stories that matter, asking hard-hitting questions of those in power, live-blogging sport events, monitoring the highs and lows of the NZX and providing Premium expert opinion and analysis. Bringing you distinctive, quality journalism and breaking news from across New Zealand and around the world. With specialists working together to create indepth reads, engaging video, and unmissable podcasts.

Jack Tame: Hidden pitfall in citizenship deal for Kiwis in Australia
OPINION: New Zealanders in Australia have a more direct path to citizenship.

Jack Tame: Replacing Foster, NZ Rugby delivers yet another insult
Opinion: The best cultures are the ones whose leaders care for their people.

Jack Tame: Labour’s co-governance does a disservice to Māori
OPINION: Public sentiment is the best measure in judging which legislation lives and dies.

Jack Tame: Gambling reforms miss the biggest problem with pokies
OPINION: It’s hard to overstate how destructive a gambling addiction can be.

Jack Tame: If Jacinda Ardern does take a UN job, the US Federal Reserve’s actions might be why
OPINION: I’ve been swallowing hard at just how much stuff costs.

Jack Tame: Didn't have the same shock value as Princess Di's death
I'll be honest. I'm not a huge fan of the institution. I never have been.

Jack Tame: Labour MP accusing the party-of-kindness of bullying is a remarkable turn
I'll start with Gaurav Sharma. I don't think we know enough about what has been alleged

Jack Tame: TV interview was comedy but showed Auckland mayoral candidate as he is
Opinion: There are no doubts about what sort of mayor Leo Molloy would be.

Jack Tame: Three leaders, three countries, one big week in politics
OPINION: A political resignation, an assassination, and a major achievement for NZ in Oz.

Jack Tame: This time politicians can't hide from the booze debate
OPINION: Alcohol arguably causes the most harm of any drug in New Zealand.

Jack Tame: Is a fairer tax system on the way?
OPINION: Tax ultimately needs to appeal to Kiwis' sense of fairness.

Jack Tame: Why on Earth should young Kiwis choose to come home?
COMMENT: Wages play a role but as always, the elephant in the room is housing.

Jack Tame: I've found games even better than Wordle
OPINION: The world went crazy for a new digital game, true to form... I didn't.

Petrol prices: 'The Government cares more about polling than principles'
"It cost $150 to fill my 2012 Toyota hatchback." But there's a but, writes Jack Tame.

Jack Tame: End protests slowly, without violence
COMMENT: Trevor Mallard's efforts can only have served to antagonise the protesters.

Jack Tame: Only a fool wouldn't take some of those messages seriously
COMMENT: We need to stay with non-violent options - here's hoping for a good southerly.

Jack Tame: Five silver linings to National's leadership spill
Since last year's election, pundits have been speculating on the future of Judith Collins.

Jack Tame: Good riddance to the Harbour Bridge cycleway
Auckland's $785m proposed cycleway has been scrapped and the money allocated elsewhere.

Jack Tame: It's too late to set vaccination records
OPINION: The Government can't shirk responsibility for our woeful vaccination rates.

Jack Tame: What we need to learn from Biles, Osaka and now Ben Stokes
The Christchurch-born English cricketer deserves our support as he steps back for a while.

Jack Tame: When is the right time to reopen the bubble?
Does it make sense to keep the bubble closed until Christmas? Jack Tame thinks so.

Jack Tame: Protesting farmers are hypocrites - but so am I
OPINION: All of us have to make sacrifices if we are to stop plundering the world.

Jack Tame: Let's get our A into G - make transtasman bubble our priority
"We are managing the risk. We have the capacity to build nuance into the system."

Jack Tame: My isolation experience after fellow flyer tested positive for Covid
The vast majority of people going through MIQ should feel grateful, Jack Tame explains.

Jack Tame: You've heard the US election is divisive. On the ground, it's scarier
OPINION: A contested result is quite possible. A contentious result is certain.

Jack Tame: This week was Winston's swan song
COMMENT: Five things takeaways from this year's election.

Jack Tame: Criticising White Island rescue efforts misplaced
Comment: Risking lives to save living people is one thing, but to collect bodies?

Jack Tame: Grace was special, but her murder is shamefully familiar
Comment: Grace was a young woman who was in that incredibly special moment in life.

Jack Tame: OK, Boomers: Here's what's up
Dry your eyes. Use those untaxed capital gains to buy a box of tissues.

Jack Tame: SBW sets the standard for rugby players
Comment: Looking at Williams' achievements in rugby, he has had an extraordinary career.

Jack Tame: Anthony Bourdain lives on in memory for me
OPINION: Bourdain has played a small part in some of the very best experiences of my life.

Jack Tame: It's Fentanyl - be scared
Festival-goers have always taken drugs and will continue doing so no matter the law.

Jack Tame: More prisons will not fix crime
OPINION: Prison reform must happen, but it is a long and difficult job.

Jack Tame: Personal space and boundaries
OPINION: Sometimes it's a lot easier not being a parent.

Jack Tame: Oz still has a long way to go
OPINION: Despite voting for same sex marriage, OZ is still not quite with the times.

Jack Tame: Trump puts US out on a limb
OPINION: Trump's first year in office is the year temperatures in Asia exceeded 50C.

Jack Tame: Save fireworks for celebrations
OPINION: Guy Fawkes is a fizzer - let's spend the money on staffing our fire departments.

Jack Tame: Travel reminds us how well off we are
COMMENT: Travel so often reminds you the world is a really tough place.

Jack Tame: Why did Weinstein do it?
COMMENT: Power may be an enabling factor but it should never be mistaken as an excuse.

Jack Tame: Las Vegas shows nothing has changed
COMMENT: Las Vegas might break record, but statistically it was a normal weekend.

Jack Tame: An ATM charge? What a cheek
COMMENT: With banks boasting billion dollar profits, why are we paying to use ATMs?

Why worms are the perfect city pet
COMMENT: It started as the cruellest prank ever played in the Tame household.

Jack Tame: Labour tax policy risky stance
COMMENT: Labour's giant tax asterisk could be its fatal campaign flaw.

Jack Tame: First Houston, next Auckland?
COMMENT:Bill English doesn't think many Kiwis wake up worrying about climate change. I do.

Toppling statues not the answer
Opinion: Charlottesville racists are being picked off by the Internet - for good.

Jack Tame: Scribe was the music of teen me
COMMENT: Scribe wrote music that defined his generation and town, in his own way.

Jack Tame: Talking water till cows come home
COMMENT: Poison our natural habitat and you can spoil it pretty fast.

Jack Tame: Watching for the freak show
COMMENT: The fog of Lance Armstrong and doping hangs heavy over the Tour de France.

Tame: Airport rail link desperately needed
COMMENT: Does NZ have any project as desperately overdue as Auckland's airport rail link?

Jack Tame: Goodall's message of hope
COMMENT: Jane Goodall was fantastic. The audience clung to her stories.

Stop blaming Barclay's demise on 'ageist crap'
COMMENT: Age isn't a reason to deny someone responsibility - or be an excuse for behaviour

Tame: Lions fans eclipse kiwi crowds
OPINION: Hard to deny their fans beat most All Blacks' supporters hands-down.

Jack Tame: Stop sex offenders travelling
COMMENT: NZ's responsibility to protect children extends beyond our borders.

Jack Tame: Our backyard worth exploring
New Zealand is full of beautiful, wonderful places to explore.

You can still talk to your local mayor
COMMENT: In New Zealand you can still call up the mayor in most cities, writes Jack Tame.

Jack Tame: Met Gala orgy of expression
COMMENT: The Met Gala, is a fascinating orgy of fame, power, and artistic expression.

Jack Tame: Tax on fizzy a money saver
COMMENT: Is it time to tax fizzy drinks to save money in the long run, asks Jack Tame.

Jack Tame: Pharmac's decision a tough one
It's not Pharmac's responsibility to pay for women's sanitary products.

Jack Tame: Apologising is a sign of decency
COMMENT: Why do so many politicians and corporates find it so hard to say sorry.

Jack Tame: Apologising a sign of decency
COMMENT: Ask CEO of United Airlines if he thinks all publicity is good publicity.

Jack Tame: No pity for achy Brexit hearts
COMMENT: I was bemused by pro-Brexit voters who'd since changed their mind.

Jack Tame: Paying 'til the cows come home
Any commercial operation turning water into money should expect to have to pay.

Jack Tame: Should farmers pay for water?
COMMENT: If we are charging for water, farmers probably should pay for it, too.

Jack Tame: Our roads to ruin
COMMENT: You don't need to live in Auckland to know how frustrating it is to be sitting in traffic, says Jack Tame.

Jack Tame: Cautionary tale of party pills
Harm Reduction at musical festival's tent an eye opener.

Paying back student loan a hard road
COMMENT: "I was one of the lucky ones and I still owed 30 grand", writes Jack Tame.

Jack Tame: Here's to 50 good summers
COMMENT: Do I fancy morning tea at a Death Cafe? I can think of a better excuse for a muffin. But we should all talk about death.

Jack Tame: Granny got it right
COMMENT: In considering retirement, most young Kiwis today seem to fit loosely into one of three categories.

Jack Tame: Liddell - our man in Washington?
Chris Liddell is the most powerful New Zealander in the world.