David Haxton, Editor of Kāpiti News, loves writing stories about people who have overcome the odds, people who have worked hard to succeed, and breaking news.
David Haxton is the editor of the Kāpiti News. The newspaper is a two-time finalist in the Voyager Media Awards community newspaper of the year category. When I was a college student, a science teacher encouraged us to read the newspaper and be informed. The advice stuck. I became interested in the news. I graduated from the Peter Arnett School of Journalism, at the Southern Institute of Technology, in 2000, before joining the Kāpiti News early in 2001 firstly as a reporter and then becoming editor. It has been a long haul but it's a great community to work in, there’s a constant supply of interesting stories to write, the commute is only a few minutes, and I live near the beach. I’ve got a young family and the coast is an awesome great place for them to grow up in. I love writing stories about people who have overcome the odds, people who have worked hard to succeed, and breaking news is still a buzz. It’s also great being part of the wider NZME whānau and seeing our stories reach national and overseas audiences.

Lost puppy found after three days after serious car accident
Dedicated search finds puppy after crash.

Young runner tackles daily half marathon to support men's mental health
Emma Upton combines passion for running and charity.

College's haka echoes across the Great Wall
Great cultural experience for Kāpiti College's kapa haka group.

College unveils stunning $2.2 million gymnasium
Students wowed with the old gym's transformation.

'Compelling' case to evolve Kāpiti Health Centre into a polyclinic
A modern polyclinic would have 'numerous benefits'.

Local 8ball adjunct rises to national prominence with stellar performances
Remarkable triumph for Waikanae Chartered Club's 8ball adjunct.

Charity run/walk event remembers Caroline Boyd and empowers communities
The Caroline Boyd Memorial Run/Walk takes place in Paekākāriki.

College's barbershop quartet hits the right notes again
The quartet won the mixed voices category for the third year in a row.

Much to do for young Globe Theatre bound thespians
The two students from Kāpiti College have an exciting opportunity ahead.

Miracle cat: Sammy survives gunshot wounds to return home after days missing
A resilient family cat was shot twice but still managed to find its way home.

Tribute to fighter pilot grandfather in wearable art winner's creation
Hand-painted costume takes out Aotearoa section at World of WearableArt contest.

Culinary legend bestowed with prestigious award
She is one of New Zealand's best-known food personalities.

Dyslexia competition shines light on poorly understood condition
Powerful messages were highlighted

Area chosen for hydrogen-natural gas blend pilot
Firstgas is working with up to 15 households for the pilot.

New lifeguards' clubhouse taking shape but needs final $1m
'We haven’t got a finish date. It all depends on how quickly we can raise the money.'

Young hockey stars from Paraparaumu Beach School defy odds at Aims Games
The team won silver after placing second out of 32 teams.

Iconic stamp and coin business celebrates key milestone
It's the largest stamp and coin dealership in New Zealand.

College principal's looming retirement marks end of an era
Kāpiti College principal Tony Kane is stepping down.

Zero waste hub diverts tonnes of material from landfill
Twenty-two tonnes have been saved so far.

Stunning black lip oyster carvings feature in new shop
The jewellery is by renowned carver Tokerau Jim.

New speed limit for Kāpiti Expressway announced
The speed limit go from 100km/h to 110km/h.

College dance team ready for two national finals
Kāpiti College hip-hop team ready to seize dance opportunity.

Restorative youth justice oasis Te Kāhu Tiu prepares to soar
Securing a funding stream is the centre's final hurdle.

Heavy rainfall in Kāpiti a reminder to be prepared
There was a lot of rain throughout Kāpiti on Monday.

Artist tackles water quality issues with stunning mural
Drab alleyway gets splash of colour and a message on water quality.

Nicotine-stained paintings turn out to be masterpieces by renowned artist
'I said do you want the good news or the good news?'

College students help improve life in Vietnam village
The work was physical but rewarding.

Athlete channels negatives into positives after Olympic taekwondo dream shattered
Eisa Mozhdeh is keeping his Olympic dream alive despite setback.

College teacher thrives as Goldie mascot at Olympics
'It was incredible and a trip of a lifetime.'

Waikanae power couple brings Banksy’s artistic revolution to Wellington
The exhibition features the largest collection of Banksy artwork.

Bespoke treehouse wins architectural design award
'I’d always wanted to build something among the trees.'

Disabled performers follow the yellow brick road
'This is an amazing opportunity for them ...'

Can-guessing competition set to aid food bank
Have a guess - how many food cans are in the shopping trolley?

Resilient teen overcomes glandular fever to represent New Zealand at world mountain bike championships
Two important podiums, after the illness, have led to a world title opportunity.

Community rallies to support family after house fire
Four people and a family dog escaped the blaze in Paraparaumu Beach.

Special milestone looms for oldest Probus club in the country
A gala luncheon will mark the ocassion.

Company gifts charity prime position on rugby jerseys
Charity's important role gets a major boost.

Proposed subdivision entrance disappoints locals
The Ōtaki subdivision entrance has irked locals.

One tonne of fish, and more, for flood-affected Wairoa families
Kāpiti has responded to Wairoa's time of need.

Exterminate, exterminate: Predator Free Waikanae launched
First trapping line next to expressway.

Build it and they will come: Themed mini putt plans in motion
Identification of a possible site is under way

Community-minded school children's warm-hearted initiative
Paekākāriki School's Soroptimist Kids' special PJ Day.

Power to the people: Living wage movement featured in new book
Lyndy McIntyre's book records an extraordinarily successful movement.

Newbie bowls player wins centre's top individual award
“I was very overwhelmed and quite emotional."

Residents take issue with coastal adaptation report
Strong messages were delivered as Kāpiti council received coastal adaptation report.

Meet the person who will transform into the New Zealand Olympic Team's mascot Goldie
School teacher 'overwhelmed and emotional' about upbeat role.

Morning tea shout for special group of volunteers
Volunteers' dedication and hard work are recognised.

Picturesque golf course suited to all levels of players
Kāpiti Golf Club is a hit with all levels of players.

Shop's cheese scone sales skyrocket after customers' vote of confidence
Customers are making a beeline for the scones.

'Better times ahead', Finance Minister Nicola Willis predicts
Willis addressed a business breakfast in Kāpiti.

Striker's 200th football game celebrated in style
Vanessa Addy is in her 13th season in women's football.

Former principal's passion for education and sports recognised
Rex Kerr made a difference in college, community, and rugby circles.

Brass band extraordinaire 'thrilled' with award
Merv Allison has played in brass bands for 82 years.

Tram museum medal recipient praises colleagues
Henry Brittain is a key person at the Wellington Tramway Museum.

Historian humbled with King's Birthday Honours accolade
Anthony Dreaver has promoted the history of Kāpiti and Horowhenua for many years.

Massive achievement as club rugby player's 200th game looms
A large crowd is expected for the historic occasion.

Nature reserve helps threatened plant species
The plant was described as 'a larder for our ecosystem'.

Bulk water treatment specialist wins coveted award
“I’m proud to have received this award."

Workers' strike artwork steps back in time
It took James Brewer two years to create the painting.

White heron keeps bird watchers excited
The heron has been enjoying life in Waikanae Beach.

Three years to create semi-underground boutique military museum
There is lots to see in Das Bunker Kāpiti.

Proud moment as young player joins Junior Davis Cup team
Tennis player Cody Atkinson continues to impress.

Resident seeks river mouth cut to protect homes
Regional council intervention sought to mitigate dune erosion.

Demolition derby dynamo gets call 'out of the blue'
Bevan Johnston is heading back to Canada for some car-crunching competition.

Childcare centre embraces heroic wahine with stunning artwork
The artwork features Kahe Te Rau-o-te-rangi and her epic swim.

Create and plate: Inside the kitchen with 50-50 head chef Helen Turnbull
The award-winning head chef shares some insight into her culinary world.

'I just about fell over': Elderly dog found after 60 days missing
Golden labrador Sydney went missing after being spooked by fireworks.

'Sleeping giant' football club important for youth retention
Te Kotahitanga FC is the collaboration of five clubs.

Young poet has work featured in influential series
Sadie Lawrence has 25 poems in the book.