Craig Cooper is editor of the Hawke’s Bay Today
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‘Is this article still available?': How I responded to the scammers on Marketplace
These were fine barstools, but couriering them half a world away seemed a little odd.

Opinion: Buckle up your rainbow-coloured belt
Counter-protesters, the taste of blood-red tomato juice still fresh, turned to Vision NZ.

More 'rogue' politicians needed in Napier
OPINION: They are well-intentioned but do little to rattle political cages or shake trees.

Opinion: We won’t mind if MetService gets it wrong this time
There is nothing like the fear of the unknown to get anxiety simmering away.

Craig Cooper: Symbolism of a cricket match at Treaty grounds
OPINION: The game struggles for diversity, despite being steeped in te ao Māori themes.

Opinion: City of Sails' deluge a wake-up call, again
The recent weather is a telling tale of two flooded cities, Craig Cooper says.

Opinion: People who want to be kind make terrible MPs
In close to two decades as a newspaper editor, I met very few politicians I liked.

Opinion | Karakia controversy: If you don’t understand tikanga, you can’t be a politician
OPINION: A newly-elected mayor landed with a thump that echoed through the country.

''It's racism evolved directly from the colonialism that hangs over NZ like a bad smell''
A moko kāuae is nothing to be afraid of.

My neighbours were a cannabis dealer, a nurse and the man called Pete
There was a nurse next door, a Black Power house over the road, and a man called Pete

Craig Cooper: Anti-vaxxers are now the enemy - get ready for the battle
OPINION: While shy on detail, Labour has declared anti-vaxxers are the enemy.

Opinion: We will be in lockdown next Wednesday
Opinion: We will be in lockdown all of next week - that is certain.

Labour raises hackles of farmers, cops and nurses
Right now, cops, nurses and farmers aren't too happy with Labour.

Napier waking up to flooding aftermath - 2nd wettest day in 150 years
Schools are closed and power out.

Synthetic cannabis blight has moved
Only ripping apart the dealers and sellers will help suburbs like Maraenui.

RIP DVD stores but long live DVDS
May the DVD survive the onslaught of streaming services, writes Craig Cooper.

Unearthing our next Black Caps
Northland may have unearthed a couple of future Black Caps this week.

Wanted: Donor of cowboys and Indians toy set
A rare toy has been handed into the Northern Advocate Christmas Toy Appeal

City facing sports and arts imbalance
An arts centre isn't enough to redress the imbalance with sport, says Craig Cooper

Was it all about boxing, or gangs networking?
What were Australian gangs doing at Northland boxing event?

Looking forward to real election issues
The Maori seat debate - what difference would it make to Hohepa Bloggs?

Let's sell Marsden City to Larry Ellison
Let's sell Marsden City to Larry Ellison to build on his Cup dream, says Craig Cooper.