Craig is a Local Democracy reporter
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Māori ward contenders told ‘do the homework’
'Don’t leave it to the last minute, get your whānau wrapped around you.'

Mauri arrives to uplift region for Te Matatini
The mauri stones were delivered by Aotea waka iwi of south Taranaki and Whanganui.

Boaties pledge to stop seabed miners
There's a call for direct action against would-be miners off the South Taranaki coast.

New freshwater rules opposed
Taranaki Regional Council is worried the new rules may backfire.

'Crystal ball' will avoid pollution, says seabed mining company
The model to predict the drift of sediment in South Taranaki has not yet been developed.

Pātea seabed mining fight continues
Today is the first of an eight-day hearing to reconsider the application.

Hapū fears for whale bone thieves
Police have been notified and are investigating the whale bone theft.

Giant windmills blow hapū to UN
Hapū of Ngāruahine iwi are filing three claims against the installation of wind turbines.

Iwi and council seek help from nature for flooding
The project will look at how to reduce the effects of flooding in the Waitōtara catchment.

South Taranaki council takes on local te reo styles
The council is revamping its te reo Māori policy to embrace variations of the language.

Māori health board head says National plan a huge step back
Te Pahunga Davis says Taranaki's iwi-Māori health partnership board has barely got started

Dirt bike ‘nightmare’: Waitara police call for help over nuisance riders
Police have called for community help to identify dirt bike riders buzzing the town.

Final push for Taranaki maunga deal before election
Uri (descendants) of the eight iwi of Taranaki have until August 16 at 5pm to vote.

Council calls for seabed mining ban
South Taranaki District Council says 'environmental vandalism' outweighs economic benefits

Iwi dispute leaves council ‘meat in the sandwich’
New Plymouth councillors are puzzled about how to deal with a dispute between two iwi.

Māori appointments fill South Taranaki gaps
This term is the first time STDC has included Māori wards

Crown agrees to give up Taranaki Maunga
The park will be governed jointly by Ngā iwi o Taranaki and the Minister of Conservation,

Taranaki Maunga settlement takes next step
The Treaty of Waitangi settlement will be initialled on Friday.

Taranaki Regional Council and iwi struggling to implement freshwater reforms
They fear future tension between them.

Reefs 'teeming with life' found on Pātea seabed amid mining case
Niwa says the reefs are rich with thriving plants and animals.

Taranaki kaimoana ban given legal teeth
There's a request to extend the ban along the coastline to Hāwera.

Māori ward councillor ready to fight for his people
Stratford's first Māori ward councillor was sworn in at Tuesday's meeting.

Candidate hui challenges councils and iwi chairs
The meeting took place at Whakaahurangi Marae in Stratford on Wednesday evening.

Coastal, rural communities need more say at council table
Two South Taranaki Māori ward candidates want to provide the missing voice.

South Taranaki hapū call for extended kaimoana ban
Most hapū of Ngāruahine will this week request an official ban along their coastline.

Tactical talks mobilise tight field for Māori seats
The race is on to win Māori seats in South Taranaki and other parts of Taranaki region.

Seabed mining company grabs Aussie ally
TTR has agreed to swap ownership of the company for shares in an Australian miner.

Health boss welcomes reforms as possible 'game-changer'
Hayden Wano believes the reforms may shift inequities in health.

Iwi environment unit 'big step up' for regional council
Taranaki Regional Council has an agreement with iwi post-settlement governance entities.

Iwi considering extending Taranaki kaimoana ban
It would mean kaimoana gathering is banned from New Plymouth to Hāwera.

Wards get nod despite not meeting requirements
South Taranaki wards have been approved despite not fitting the official requirements

'I'm hōhā': Council iwi rep says nothing will change at leaching compost site
After years of breaches, Keith Holswich is fed up with the polluting composter.

'Covid doesn't care about Christmas': Iwi prepare for virus spread
There are now 33 active cases in Taranaki

New name for South Taranaki council's iwi committee
A name has been chosen after a year's consideration of options.

Iwi first in line to buy council land
South Taranaki District Council is reviewing how it buys and sells property.

Award recognises precedent for Taranaki river restoration
The award was for the removal of the Glenn Road weir from the Kaūpokonui Stream

Taranaki success backs Māori Party Covid calls, say leaders
Local iwi have done 1000+ Covid tests since the virus was found in wastewater samples.

Iwi want more vigilance as Covid found again in Stratford sewage
"We've had within 10 days two positive tests so it's very likely we have Covid around us."

Funding brings military-grade Whanganui Covid response
There's millions of dollars of new funding for the vaccination effort around Whanganui.

Minister wants Taranaki DHB vaccine gains made permanent
Associate Health Minister Peeni Henare says the tide has turned in Taranaki.

Covid cash welcomed but more change wanted
"It proves that the voice of the people on the ground does matter."

Taranaki Māori aim for 95 per cent Covid vaccinated
Iwi and Māori health providers are drawing up their own vaccination plan.

Ngarewa-Packer says let Māori fix vaccination gap
The Māori Party co-leader says Māori are being "left for last" in the Delta outbreak.

'Get out of the way': Ngarewa-Packer says let Māori fix vaccination gap
Māori Party co-leader says the PM and Government are defensive and won't share power.

Taranaki Māori health providers struggle with DHB despite PM's optimism
The PM's visit included a stop at a Tui Ora pop-up clinic at Paritutu Bowling Club.

Each Māori ward will cover one half of South Taranaki district
Boundary for South Taranaki Māori wards will reflect Ngāruahine and Ngāti Ruanui iwi

Iwi and council reach relationship agreement
Te Kāhui o Rauru and South Taranaki District Council have set out their values.

Māori-only clinics to bridge vaccine gap
Whānau urged to consider the worst-case scenario when deciding whether to vaccinate.

Regional council rejects call for Māori-only say on wards
Iwi wanted future engagement on Māori wards focused on "people affected by the decision."

Call to make switch to Māori roll easier
Māori voters get to choose between general and Māori rolls only every five to six years.

'We've listened, we've learned': Māori to get more say on street names
'To have our language on land that has been subject to raupatu is a small thing to ask.'

Nerves on edge for seabed mining decision
Debbie Ngarewa-Packer said she was "healthy nervous" about the pending outcome.

Wastewater Covid testing expands across region
Stratford and South Taranaki districts are now being sampled for traces of Covid.

Alarm bells ring for iwi over lack of wastewater tests
Ngāti Ruanui has backed a call for wastewater testing beyond the city.

Taranaki wastewater response sloppy, says Māori Party
"They couldn't provide a reason South Taranaki wastewater is not being tested."

Care provider fined $552k over woman's death at support home
The woman drowned when left alone in a bath in October 2016.

Māori council seats bring cuts to general councillors
South Taranaki will lose one seat on the Taranaki Regional Council.

One-in-seven Taranaki Covid jabs by small Māori teams
Taranaki had the lowest rate of vaccinations at 8.26 percent

Papakāinga plans could hinge on iwi-council relationship
Current rules largely restrict papakāinga to be integrated with marae.

Council 'out of touch with Māori'
The chair of the Ngāti Ruanui rūnanga said the council was out of touch with Māori.

Iwi want sewage spills stopped
A south Taranaki iwi says continuing sewage spills into coastal waters are intolerable.

Flood of consents: Iwi seek resources to support relationship
Hearing told iwi and hapū need money to help decide and monitor consents.

Big Māori push for Covid-19 swabs pays off
Māori had the reach to get testing into Māori communities.