At 21, Simeon Brown has notched up a track record in working for his community in Manurewa.
It started when his mum, Clendon Resident Group chair Sarah Brown, dragged him to meetings. Later, he represented her at meetings she couldn't go to. Soon he was asked to lead committees, becoming treasurer of the residents' group and presenting submissions to council forums.
Small wonder this Auckland University law and commerce student now chairs Manurewa Youth Council, the first such body set up under the new Auckland Council. Manurewa is one of the "youngest" suburbs in Auckland with 40 per cent of its population aged under 25.
It is also the first to hold a forum for young people to freely and frankly discuss what ails Manurewa and what direction they want to take for its youth. "It is not a feel-good event," says Simeon of last weekend's gathering. Sixty young people aged 12 to 24 attended, formed into groups in which they tackled issues concerning them. They spoke of youth gangs, alcohol problems and joblessness. Key concerns are unemployment and welfare dependency.
"Young people have aspirations and the system has let them down.