If your travel bucket-list includes a trip to magical Greece, but the funds aren't ready yet, you could do a whole lot worse than taking in Savina Yannatou and her band Primavera en Salonico at Womad 2016.
You'll capture the very essence of Greek and traditional Mediterranean songs, delivered by a stunning voice, aided by a six piece ensemble that is both intense and exhilarating.
Savina sings the songs of Greece, Spain, Turkey, Albania, Sicily, Sardinia, Corsica and Arabia in their original dialects delivering a unique sound to the accompaniment of accordion, guitar, violin, double bass, and local instruments like the oud, ney and quanum.

Primavera en Salonico was formed in 1995 so together with Savina they've refined their music so that it's tight, expressive and conveys passion, enthusiasm and brilliance in spades.