Batten the hatches! Heavy rain expected for the Bay of Plenty
Rainfall rates could reach up to 40mm in some places!
Rainfall rates could reach up to 40mm in some places!
GRAPHIC WARNING: The tour guide has shared a glimpse into her hospital recovery.
"They [outside support staff] all kind of come in and then they all disappear."
GNS Science today released an update on the situation at the volcano.
Whakatāne District Council staff meet with Local Government Minister Nanaia Mahuta.
The tour guide says she doesn't remember the "really gnarly stuff".
The protest will take place at 3.30pm outside the HCNZ office in Mount Maunganui.
The Big Bike Film Night is coming back.
Police raid clandestine lab believed to be used for manufacturing methamphetamine.
Police staff alerted just after 3.30pm. The highway is closed between Pikowai and Matatā.
Tour guide Kelsey Waghorn has given an update on her progress from her hospital bed.
White Island survivor Lisa Dallow is too badly injured to attend daughter Zoe's funeral.
Rising temperatures are a reminder of a warming planet.
A person was pulled unresponsive from the water.
'Everyone in this room is severely affected. We will get heavily investigated.'
The draft plan's "Search and Rescue Plan" was two sentences long, on the final page.
Tramping trip ends as State of Emergency declared.
Eleven nurses offered their services to help after the eruption.
Women in the public gallery cried during the brief appearances.
The single-car crash happened on Matata Rd about 5am today.
Trendsetter Zoe Marshall's latest family smartphone rules might just catch on.
White Island survivors Rick Reed and Ivy Kohn Reed may soon be okay to fly home to the US.
And they're loving every moment playing their sport.
Tolley eyes Speaker's job in next election and will go on list.
Top cop's warning for long weekend drivers after tragic 2019 road toll.
Further explosive eruptions are very unlikely on any given day Geonet said.
Jake Milbank was leading a tour on the island when it erupted.
Get the sunscreen ready!
Iwi and residents file appeal Environment Court decision in the Rotorua High Court.