Power prices: Bay residents pay some of highest rates for electricity
It's a major problem for low-income families, says Tommy Wilson.
It's a major problem for low-income families, says Tommy Wilson.
Auckland manufacturers supply 90 per cent of building products needed in the regions.
United communities show support for local dairy owners.
OPINION: While some businesses are operating, other are stuck in limbo.
Councils should be livestreaming meetings but no one is ensuring they do.
Lockdown parenting is no piece of cake - especially when you can't find flour.
OPINION: I'm welcoming chance to be part of the solution.
In Rotorua, the mean house value was $650,546, according to Infometrics
OPINION: It is amazing what you look to when you face cancer.
Council ''working from all angles'' on long-term solution to housing crisis.
Opinion: The virus is ever-changing, our approach to eradicating it should be too.
Opinion: Getting vaccinated is more than a personal choice - it affects everyone.
OPINION: Lockdown exercise rule-breakers are selfish and reckless.
With a decision on whether lockdown will be extended imminent, experts have their say.
More than a year since coming out of the last lockdown, the refuge demand remains high.
Several Western Bay of Plenty and Taupō homes have made the Top 100.
Vicki Semple: The safety and wellbeing of everyone involved were paramount.
Opinion: As a country with a small population, it seems more personal for us.
A Rotorua fashion designer is one of those impacted by NZ Fashion Week's postponement.
Rotorua's religious leaders speak about how they shepherd their flocks in lockdown.
Cooling magma, tectonic plates and glacial shift are all factors for the land movement.
''We will stop exporting, that is what will happen if we stay in level 4.''
Two more MPs say they're opposed to more MIQ in Rotorua.
Compliance in the Bay of Plenty appeared to be good, on the first day of the rule.
Wastewater testing for Covid-19 has come back clear for areas of the Bay of Plenty.
Several motel owners said they have gone from being fully booked to nearly empty.
Despite the choral event being cut short, Raukura Choir still took out a big award.
Here's what to do if you're due to appear in court this week.
OPINION: The Taliban regime has a cruel history of torture against their people.
Iwi representatives at Bay of Plenty Regional Council meeting want more than consultation.