They’re back! MTB Nationals return to Rotorua – all you need to know
The downhill competition will run for the final time over the famed Taniwha Trail.
The downhill competition will run for the final time over the famed Taniwha Trail.
Wil Yeoman won the ‘No Way in Hell’ race against 160 competitors.
'Working with our friends down the road.'
Police are searching for Travis Langford, missing since January 17.
Nathan Moscrip, 29, is on trial for the manslaughter of his friend Brodie Ruatara.
The company believes the NZ appliance retail market is ripe for upheaval.
Public money would be spent on hospital admissions for people with 'nowhere else to go'.
Moscrip says he was defending himself after Ruatara had confronted him angrily.
Bruce Wilson said he could hardly see for an entire day after the lightning strike.
A courier driver noticed tarseal wrapped around his truck's wheels.
Both victims were 19 years old and from Taupō.
A pathologist says there was nothing any of the first responders could have done.
The woman went missing while laying bait in the forest with her group.
The man swam through part of Lake Taupō in his attempt to evade police.
Children who brought cut lunches shared them with others to stave off hunger pangs.
The 'confident' and 'competent' young rider was killed in an accident in 2023.
According to GeoNet the earthquakes recorded peaked at 3.4 in magnitude.
It comes as Coastguard NZ and the harbourmaster issued safety reminders to water users.
A rāhui will remain in place in the Acacia Bay area of the lake for the next few days.
Sammie Maxwell dominated the second round of the MTBNZ National Series in Taupō.
A man was seen searching with a drone for the missing jetskier.
Police and councils co-ordinate to track vehicles fleeing crime scenes.
'You get a good second of flying through the air before you hit the bottom.'
Three helicopters and multiple fire crews battled the blaze.
Witnesses earlier said the fire was worrying nearby homeowners.
He will be appearing in Taupō District Court this morning.
Information sought on Samir Derek Belhajjam, 30, who fled at 6pm on Monday
Belhajjam was wearing green prison-issue shorts and an orange high-vis vest.
The equivalent ad value for the mention would be $518,000, Tourism NZ estimated.
Ground temperatures above 13C needed to carry out work.