Rental renovations forcing rent hikes in city
The median rent in Rotorua was $460 a week in December.
The median rent in Rotorua was $460 a week in December.
The driver is reported to be in a moderate/serious condition due to her medical event.
Police and Land Search and Rescue were involved in the rescue.
Michael Drake has devoted his life to education and the Taupō community.
The final tally just pipped the 2019 tally of $64,145.20.
A Chinese Fashion Show Rotorua is being held on Saturday, February 20.
Opinion: For a teenager, postponement looks permanent. But this pause is not forever.
General manager Israel Suarez Guido says 2020 presented both challenges and opportunities.
Some hospitals are reporting a baby boom nine months after the country's lockdown.
The offender's sentence has been replaced with one of home detention.
The Lakes Performing Arts Centre's (LPAC) annual community open day is this Saturday.
Pūtahitanga/One People Concert will be held tomorrow at Kuirau Park.
Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Te Koutu has received a NZCT grant to buy new sports uniforms.
Paul Hickey discusses long weekends, happiness with water and '5 Words for 5 K'.
The Parade of Classic and Wooden Boats is on Saturday, February 6.
Learning how to identify rips could save lives.
There is strong opposition to a potential development where Lava Bar currently stands.
Rawiri Bhana aims to help the mokopuna of Aotearoa. Made with funding from NZ On Air.
Incidents happened while the country was in level 4 lockdown.
The 2021 Kiwibank New Zealander of the Year Awards will be announced on March 2021.
A Rotorua woman is distraught after watching her cat stolen from outside her home.
Opinion: There's no reason we shouldn't embrace a green waste collection.
A 54-year-old paddler has proven age is no barrier.
The championship will be held over two nights.
Learning how to identify rips could save lives and help change statistics.
The child was injured in a serious incident on Tuesday.
Dozens of Bay children are on a waiting list to get back to school funding: Variety
He was remanded in custody until February 24.