'This is our suburb': Residents fight for a say on transitional housing plan
Residents are mounting a fight to be notified about the Wylie Court consent process.
Residents are mounting a fight to be notified about the Wylie Court consent process.
Taupō and Whakatane are finalists in the 2021 Keep New Zealand Beautiful Awards
Kaharoa School's freshly rebuilt junior block has been officially blessed and opened.
Immigration New Zealand welcomes the conviction of a man for impersonating an officer.
The finalists for this year's 12 awards have been announced amid a high level of interest.
Opinion: Why wait until retirement to live a healthy life?
A total of 176 patients with RSV had been admitted to Lakes DHB hospitals this year.
Te Āhuru Mōwai - Rotorua School for Young Parents is celebrating 20 years with a reunion.
But opposition MP Todd McClay says it's worth asking why the number is so low.
MBIE is investigating new managed isolation facilities, including in Rotorua.
A Rotorua leader says the rohe may see 'climate refugees' from other areas.
Proposal is to build 37 homes on corner block.
A Covid tracing card option has been scrapped after a week-long trial in Rotorua.
A woman has denied she purposely burnt a house down saying she needed it for her son.
Tirity o Waitangi will underpin the new 'sacred' relationship.
OPINION: Our readers have their say.
The 1892 McLaren Traction Engine No.455 has moved from Rotorua to Putaruru.
Paul Hickey talks Dancing for Hospice, password safety and Waipa being a hive of activity.
A business chief said opening the border was a double-edged sword.
Residents react to news a second motel is planned for transitional housing on Fenton St.
Māori businesses in Rotorua get social media savvy. Made with NZ On Air.
Deputy mayor Dave Donaldson says developers should 'sit up and take notice'
A Bay of Plenty man has been jailed for a spate of armed robberies in Ōpōtiki town centre.
Have your say by going to rotoruadailypost.co.nz and becoming a Premium subscriber.
Signs on Fenton St have prompted concern over housing for the homeless.
A dwindling supply of rooms is aggravating the situation.
The inner city could see fewer car parks, but more people.
A man used an imitation firearm to demand a woman pay $500 to fight a deportation.
Her tangihanga is being held at Tūnohopū Marae in Rotorua.