Council bid to change Māori ward local bill faces first reading in Parliament
If the bill does not pass by June 1, it will not apply to this year's local election
If the bill does not pass by June 1, it will not apply to this year's local election
Readers have their say.
There is support and opposition to the idea to lower NZ Super eligibility for Māori.
One brother says it's a 'kick in the guts' knowing he could not get the drug.
How a burglar preyed on homes during daylight hours.
Artists in area benefit from $40,378 going to 18 arts projects.
Pfizer remains the preferred Covid vaccine but other options are available to Kiwis.
Brian used to go past on his bike. I thought, 'He's not too bad, I'll keep my eye on him'.
Mayor: 'Rotorua can not be the solution to homelessness across New Zealand...'
Businesses will not be required to ask for vaccine passes from 11.59pm tonight.
Trade Me: Average sale price in plasterboard category up 412% from October to March.
There are nearly 700 people throughout New Zealand with the virus in hospital.
Leaders reveal their best tonics for workplace stress.
Rotorua's tourism operators are still suffering, says the city's economic development arm.
Michael Yewen, 50, has been missing since February 3.
OPINION: A message needs to be sent that this type of behaviour will not be tolerated.
We've added new opinion writers to our current line-up.
Our readers have their say.
Vaccine mandates and passes will no longer be required from April 4
The car most likely to be stolen in the Bay of Plenty has also been revealed.
The network had been operating on a reduced schedule since early March due to Covid-19.
The Rotorua Accelerando Programme is back this year and hoping to reach more students.
Rotorua's council is pushing for an electoral law change. How did we get here?
Our rising population age raises the stakes for the Super debate, writes Luke Kirkness.
Nominations are open now for the winter Share the Ride with Whānau programme.
Paul Hickey discusses events returning, bucket list wishes and 'Free Ticket Friday'.
This April is a month of discovery.
Rotorua Athlete Development Trust helps athletes do charitable work in the community.
He Kete Kotahi He Whenu Maha - One Basket Many Strands featured 170 works of art.