Man arrested in relation to Rotorua service station assault
A pedestrian was run over during the incident and suffered serious injuries.
A pedestrian was run over during the incident and suffered serious injuries.
The trial closure follows repeated damage to the grass in the park.
OPINION: The statistics show why the need for arming police is so high.
COMMUNITY SPORT: Spotlight on newly-formed Lakes Football Club.
Kura Paul-Burke is one of only three Māori marine professors in New Zealand.
Data from Rotorua NZ predicts booming event weekends ahead for the city.
Hearing told contracted emergency motels needed to avoid further housing deprivation.
OPINION: Premium subscribers have their say.
OPINION: Welcome, the Bay of Plenty is open for business.
Sunshine is also expected for the long weekend.
Who's the greatest dog you've ever known?
Majestic Princess is the first of over 100 cruise ships scheduled to visit the region.
Got business news? Email news@bayofplentytimes.co.nz
'We had to salvage what we could.'
OPINION: If we can face our fear of co-governance and do it, we'll be richer for it.
The Rotorua Vintage and Veteran Car Club is working for the future of historic cars.
Dawn Picken hopes her memoir will help others dealing with their own grief journey
OPINION: So how does one qualify for their honorary MBA qualification?
Missy Rehu has got off the streets and into housing.
Rotorua teenager Nikau Chater performed with Sol3 Mio at Spark Arena this week.
"I struggle every day - mentally, physically, everything."
The Rotorua Musical Theatre's The Color Purple production was one to remember.
It is the first time since the pandemic began a cruise ship has docked in Tauranga.
The Lake Tarawera Spring Fair is on Saturday, October 23, at Stoney Point Reserve.
World Osteoporosis Day is observed annually on October 20.
The new carpark will be available to use from 4.30pm today.
It was an early start for those supporting the Child Cancer Foundation's work.
Paul Hickey discusses tricky weather, ram raids, coloured food, and Trunk or Treat.
OPINION: Things seem a lot harder now than when I was a child, writes Sonya Bateson.
"If successful, it's research that can be commercially adopted."