Latest fromRDP - Opinion

Opinion: E-bikes open up a whole new world
E-bikes open up a whole new world for the non-mountain bikers.

Opinion: Ditch the screens, go back to books
The younger generations we are creating are skimming more and remembering less.

Opinion: Message of hope on Armistice Day
Modern wars are caught on camera in real time.

Landlords; medical treatment; job well done
Letters to the Editor, November 14, 2018.

NCEA exams stressful for some students
Thousands of Bay of Plenty students have sat the biggest NCEA exam on Monday.

Sunset Primary pupils on what makes their principal great
Sunset Primary pupils share why they like their principal as he gets ready to depart.

Letters: Vacant CBD space lowest since 2010
Vacant space in CBD lowest since 2010, a council staff member writes.

Opinion: Let old ways be guiding light
Te Māori columnist Te Taru White looks to the future.

Tommy Wilson: Desperate plight as rental hikes hit homeless
The more increases in rent, the more are homeless — the equation is that simple.

Letters: Get along to Brave Hearts exhibition
Letters: Get along to Brave Hearts exhibition.

OPINION: Why is it important to commemorate Armistice Day?
The Rotorua Daily Post asked people why commemorating Armistice Day is important.

Our People: Remembering our unsung heroes
Marking Armistice Day centenary with a collection of memories of war and conflict.

Comment: Why Commemorate Armistice?
Armistice Day is all about celebrating service and sacrifice, writes Reynold Macpherson.

Comment: Free dental care will win votes
It's time our mouths were looked after too, writes Peter Williams.

Not everyone can ask for help
Comment: We all need to step up and play our part to help those with depression.

Merepeka Raukawa-Tait: Planning for a better debt-free future
Just 34 per cent of Kiwis can access $3000 easily, writes Merepeka Raukawa-Tait.

Opinion: Get rid of Guy Fawkes
Why do we commemorate the foiling of a terrorist and attempted murderer?

Letters: Council, landlords should fund the night shelter
Letters: Night shelter should be funded.

Letters: Increase police presence to cut toll
Letters: Something must change to combat road toll

Opinion: Ka kite anō, koutou katoa
Rotorua Daily Post reporter Alice Guy says farewell to the Te Māori page.