Latest fromRDP - Opinion

Tommy Wilson: Copping it sweet
The whole force should not be tarred with the bacon brush, says Tommy Wilson.

Letters: Mixed views over maintenance of rural reserve Centennial Park
Readers have their say

Opinion: Begging ban debate may have do the job
What does more good: A begging ban or a big public noise about a begging ban?

Opinion: Driver licences are a privilege, not a right
High driver licence pass rates in Rotorua are not a reflection of good drivers.

Opinion: Kids need to fail
Sports reporter David Beck looks at why keeping score is important.

Rachel Stewart: I'm back and I'm not staying quiet
COMMENT: I am rebranding as the only columnist any rational person will ever want.

Some rates relief available for farmers
This advice might save you hundreds on your rates bill

Ngahi Bidois: My word for 2019
Te Māori columnist Ngahi Bidois shares his kupu for 2019 and reflects on its teachings.

Opinion: Police not to blame for chase crashes
Dozens of New Zealanders have been killed in police chases over the past 10 years

Bryan Gould: The secret to winning the lottery of life
Make the right choice and win, make the wrong one and you may suffer

Opinion: Rodeo debate here to stay
Rodeo. The word alone is enough to ignite a firestorm of discussion and debate.

Opinion: Did you know the Ngongotahā Stream wasn't safe for swimming?
The stream is one of seven unsafe Bay of Plenty waterways.

Opinion: Would you check on a neighbour if you heard them scream?
Would you check on a neighbour if you heard them scream?

Opinion: Learning the sun safety message the hard, and painful, way
Learning the sun safety message, the hard and painful way.

Opinion: Stop the visitor blame game
It's easy to blame tourists for petty misdeeds, but what's the point?

Merepeka Raukawa-Tait: Reflection on immigration
'They were all incredibly brave. Those who left their country to start a new life'

Opinion: Thoughtless thieves despicable
The theft of Zack Mutton's $4500 kayak shows thieves have no regard for others.

Letters: Lakefront development costs should not be used to frighten
Readers have their say.

Review: Club Cabaret at the Blue Baths
"Life is a cabaret old chum … come to the cabaret."

Graeme Simpson: Puarenga a beautiful jewel in our trail crown
This year marks the 30th anniversary of the beginnings of trail building in the forest.