Opinion: Be kind to people working in retail, including travel agents
Whenever you come across people just doing their jobs, remember to be a decent human.
Whenever you come across people just doing their jobs, remember to be a decent human.
COMMENT: Community spirit is a force more than equal to this virus.
Many of us have the equivalent of a personal pandemic running parallel to coronavirus.
COMMENT: False information is spreading more virulently than coronavirus.
Readers have their say.
These are some strange times.
Our readers have their say.
COMMENT: Why was it not enough just to obtain access to the vaccine?
COMMENT: Stop trolley shaming people who are just stocking up a little.
Now is the time for governments to step up to the plate and use their powers for good.
We all need to stop handshaking, says a reader.
Comment: Those who lived through the trauma will have mental scars to the day they die.
COMMENT: Multicultural leader speaks out one year on.
COMMENT: As coronavirus spreads, people in our community are hurting - but you can help.
For events like this, volunteers are the first people those attending will encounter.
COMMENT: Practising basic hygiene is the best measure to take - to ward off all ills.
What can be done about increasing numbers of homeless people within Rotorua?
Police plea for fleeing drivers in the Bay of Plenty to stop.
Customers need to stand up for themselves just as Bryan Gould has done.
'We have nothing in common with Zeeland but everything in common with Aotearoa.'
From kids through to the pros, the riders are magnificent.
Readers have their say on issues.
'The best thing about the day? I don't use my radio, not once.'
COMMENT: The event is going from strength to strength.
Readers have their say.