Dawn Picken: 10 ways to kill time without killing other humans
Ten tips for staying occupied and sane during lockdown
Ten tips for staying occupied and sane during lockdown
If you're like me, separation between home and work is needed for productivity in both.
With a level 4 lockdown under way, there are bound to be a lot of emotions to be felt.
COMMENT: The fear of isolation is real but we can get through it together.
Our lives have been turned upside down, and inside out.
Readers have their say.
Many of us have the equivalent of a personal pandemic running parallel to coronavirus.
COMMENT: False information is spreading more virulently than coronavirus.
Readers have their say.
These are some strange times.
Our readers have their say.
COMMENT: Why was it not enough just to obtain access to the vaccine?
We need to live in a preventative world now to help stop the spread of Covid-19.
We all need to stop handshaking, says a reader.
Comment: Those who lived through the trauma will have mental scars to the day they die.
COMMENT: Multicultural leader speaks out one year on.
COMMENT: As coronavirus spreads, people in our community are hurting - but you can help.
For events like this, volunteers are the first people those attending will encounter.
COMMENT: Practising basic hygiene is the best measure to take - to ward off all ills.
Rotorua readers have their say.
What can be done about increasing numbers of homeless people within Rotorua?
Police plea for fleeing drivers in the Bay of Plenty to stop.