Letters: Wish-list for town
Greetings to all readers. As a tourist town could we have a better bus area so people can stand out of the rain as in old days, plenty
Greetings to all readers. As a tourist town could we have a better bus area so people can stand out of the rain as in old days, plenty
As with many things in life, it's often a few bad eggs that ruin things for the majority. That seems to be the case with freedom
Street view: Do you think it's difficult to find a job in Rotorua? It depends what sort of person you are, if you're a motivated
COMMENT: Let me tell you a story of broken promises, generations of injustice, second-class treatment and now, of political expediency, writes Lizzie Marvelly.
I know lots of people who make racist remarks. Some are my friends. They think they're funny at times, feel important and clever when
A_050214NZHDPWAITANGI25.JPG Ah, the annual Waitangi Day controversy has arisen again. This time it has kicked off by our newly minted
Street view: Celebrity Sam Smith was in town this week - what's your must-do for tourists visiting Rotorua? 120117sj01.JPG Whatever
Do you remember those Ronald McDonald advertisements that used to be on TV with the whole McDonald's clan preaching "make it click?" I
I would like to voice my support for Bryan Gould's column on academic freedom (Rotorua Daily Post, January 10). He raises very valid
Under the headline 'English's Choice Questioned' (Rotorua Daily Post, January 10) a Ngapuhi kamatua says Prime Minister English should
Street view: Do you think increasing cigarette prices is an incentive for people to stop smoking? 060117sp6.JPG I don't reckon it
While sympathetic to the mayor's recent message (Letters, January 6) asking for positivity, I note an inappropriate degree of negativity
Street view: What do you think could be done lower our road toll? 080117sp24.JPG I suppose more education around driving. ALBIE
When can we expect an improvement on traffic backing up at the Redwood/Tarawera roundabout carrying traffic from Te Ngae road into
COMMENT: Not everyone is long and lithe - it's time adverts celebrated a range of body shapes and sizes and recognised beauty is diverse.
Sadly yet another life is lost on the waters of this country. In "Street view" (Rotorua Daily Post, January 5) the public were asked
Street View: Do you consider yourself to be a good swimmer? 050117mm1.jpg No. But, if I had to I could probably swim a couple of
I have been reflecting on my recent interactions with mayors from across the wider region and see that there is a remarkable similarity
Ruth Ferreira (Letters, January 2) deserves our community's help in keeping Rotorua beautiful from the blight of the explosive growth
Street view: What do you think can be done to encourage safe boating? 040117sp7.JPG Just encouraging courtesy. AARON DEMCHY, 42 Central 040117sp8.JPG Compulsory
Street View: Where's your favourite place to holiday? Whangamata, there's just so much there, beaches, fishing, bush, golf and tennis
It's amazing the attitude difference for some people between getting behind the wheel of a car and the controls of a boat. While
There's nothing like Rotorua in the summer. The combination of the No Vacancy signs out along Fenton St, the increased number of
Street View: Will you be making a New Year's resolution? Probably not because I haven't thought about it. WHITU ROIRI, 60 Central 020117kd01.JPG No
What do you like about camping in Rotorua? 281216sp12.JPG We're here until the 6th. We really love this place, it's great for the
Thank you for your recent editorial regarding the award of Persons of the Year to Gina and Elmer Peiffer of Love Soup Rotorua. What
Welcome to 2017 - and hasn't Rotorua welcomed it in with a bang? The city has come a long way from the days when New Year celebrations
CLEAN UP: A reader says the rubbish along Te Ngae road is disappointing. PHOTO/FILE A_270111bf14.JPG I walked along Te Ngae Rd [recently]
Turn bags into oil If one thing gets up the noses of a lot of people it's the fact that since the advent of the new rubbish collection
Street view: What do you think was the best part of 2016? 291216sp1.JPG My birthday yesterday, I had a fantastic day. I went to