Letters: More consultation needed on skate park upgrade
One thinks skate park plans need more consultation while another wants cyclists to pay tax
One thinks skate park plans need more consultation while another wants cyclists to pay tax
We asked people on the street what they think should be done about Te Ngae Rd congestion.
Opinion: 25 years on, Shortland Street is still tackling the big issues.
One resident writes about water rates while another laments for Millennials.
We ask locals if they will help set the world record for the most people doing a haka.
Readers' views on traffic, Maori claims, the skatepark and our first five star hotel.
OPINION: New developments are great news for city - but many are still struggling.
The council responds to a story on an academic's call to meter water in Rotorua.
Opinion: Right Rotorua, it's time to get practising your Ka Mate.
We asked people on the street what they think of the proposed new hotel.
Street View - Should school children be able to ride bikes on the footpath?
Readers share views on a suggestion to install water meters - plus pellet burners.
Opinion: I wonder why the Minister of Finance bothers to formally present Budget 2017.
Marc Spijkerbosch discusses the benefits of winter for art.
A reader says te reo is the best gift we can give.
COMMENT: Quantity over quality will turn round to bite tourism industry.
Ngahi Bidois discusses a proverb recalled by a friend.
Tamati Coffey and Te Ururoa Flavell make the race for the Waiariki seat interesting.
Housing is still a hot topic for our letter writers.
We asked people on the street what they were doing for Mother's Day.
I'm embarrassed by the latest drug scandal in NZ male sport.
John Paul College's production Into The Woods gets reviewed by writer Jill Nicholas.
Readers share views on the skatepark, eastside traffic and pronunciation of te reo Maori.
Paul Hickey discusses hot topics this week.
COMMENT: Marc Spijkerbosch discusses the power of music.
We asked people on the street what they think needs a boost in Rotorua.
COMMENT: I'm not sure what makes a person want to wear medals which are not their own.
A reader is not happy with the state of the Hinemoa St public toilets.
Rotorua tourism operators on tourism infrastructure funding announcement.