"Motion Entertainment was a great alternative," she said.
"The venue was a really nice fit, with scope to increase numbers and the added advantage for ticket holders to have a game of mini golf or ten-pin included in their ticket."
About 170 people attended the ball on Saturday night with tickets selling out three weeks in advance.
The theme, RecyclaBall, was aimed at educating youth about reducing, reusing and recycling.
Youth for Youth ball organiser Madelyn Skilton, 19, in her upcycled outfit. Photo/Supplied
Guests were encouraged to borrow, buy from an op shop or upcycle their outfits for the ball with the aim of creating no waste.
"One rubbish bag of biodegradable cups was a pretty good effort," Miss Skilton said.
This year's ball was run in memory of Miss Skilton's friend Michael Pilaar, who died of melanoma in June, aged 19.
"Michael was hands-on helping me with last year's ball and we miss him dearly," she said.
"It's so weird not having him here and I wanted to do something in his honour."
Tegan Hill switched out her heels for bowling shoes. Photo/Supplied
The Pilaar family has established a fund through the Geyser Community Foundation to honour the memory of Michael and to help young musicians in Rotorua and Taupo reach their goals.
Of the money raised, $1000 will go to Canteen, who supported Michael during his illness and $5000 to the Michael Pilaar Memorial Music Fund.
"The fund is a great way to keep Michael's memory alive. It will support and encourage local musicians needing financial help with purchasing musical instruments, tutors or music camps. I think Michael would be proud."
Anna Pilaar and Haans Paraki-Webber at the ball. Photo/Supplied
Haans Paraki-Webber attended the ball and said he was impressed by what Miss Skilton had achieved.
"It's great to have an event to dress up for. There aren't really many youth events in Rotorua.
"The only option for a night out is going to a bar or nightclub, assuming you're over 18. We had a great time, and I was really impressed at the friendly feel of the night and how much was raised for charity."
Miss Skilton said she couldn't have done it without the help of her sponsors.
Some of Rotorua's home school students pose for a 'class photo'. Photo/Supplied
"Support from the community, especially local businesses has been fantastic. We just couldn't raise the funds we have without our sponsors, especially businesses like Activities & Events Unlimited and Motion Entertainment.
"Ian Mexted-Dykes who runs Activities & Events Unlimited was so supportive and encouraging, providing props and giving hours of his time to set up and breakdown.
"The work of Advocate Print, the council nursery and Thomas from IntheFrame photography made for an amazing night."