August is the most dangerous time for dairy farmers and the month when they are most likely to be injured on the farm, data shows.
Accident Compensation Corporation statistics show the top injury for dairy farmers - lodged as a workplace injury month-on-month from 2008 to 2015 - was a lumbar sprain. Neck, ankle, sprain of the shoulder and upper arm sprains featured in the top five alongside a foreign body in the eye.
Monthly claims over those periods show there were 6291 dairy workplace injuries in August compared to the next highest month that was September with 5670 claims and June that recorded the lowest at 3107 claims.
Data from ACC also shows in 2014, $8,843,566 was paid out to injured Bay of Plenty workers, with most of it going to farmers, truckies, tradespeople and kiwifruit growers.
People injured while working in the dairy cattle industry received $2,826,335 from ACC for injuries, with 389 new claims made for soft-tissue injuries such as contusions and strains, the most common cause of complaint.