For medical purposes only but in any other case no food plus animals no thank you.
Hell no skippy, only seeing eye dogs.
Never. A disgusting habit a lot of country pubs in the UK used to do. If I wanted animals at the table when I eat then I would eat in the barnyard.
Wow, our politicians get paid to pass some stupid shit but this has to take the cake! And of course it's a big fat no.
Only service dogs not other dogs, man parliament really have some weird ideas about how New Zealanders live. I wonder what the reason behind this is for parliament to have this bill read?
Outdoor areas yes but not inside
Ewww that's just disgusting. Fleas, fur. Definitely no!
Outside fine but not inside.
Bad for health and safety. You don't know what has been touching what. Disgusting really. I wouldn't eat in a place that has dogs.
Well they aren't allowed in the CBD, so what's the point?
Inside? No! Outside? No. Animals have their place and it's not next to me while I'm actually, once in a blue moon, eating out thanks! Guide Dogs excluded of course.
Yeah within reason, like cafe styles not dinner.
I can kind of understand outside a cafe at lunch, but why would you need to bring your dog if you are meeting friends for dinner and/or drinks?
No dogs should not be inside, so what's going to happen if they see another dog? It's not going to be pleasant and it's going to stink out the restaurants and bars so I would pass on that.
Cool, I've been wanting to take my cat out for a lovely dinner.
That's just gross! It's bad enough having people stare at you when you're eating dinner, why would you want dogs starring at you?
If you really have to to take your pets out in public while you eat, go to a park and have a picnic!
Guide dogs have every right to be in all places, they are fully trained then other dogs. I have no problems seeing them at all.
Guide dogs yes, but no I'm not going to go for a relaxing dinner at a restaurant with dog noises, risk of urination, fleas, dogs getting excited to see each other there goes the stress levels and where is the importance of hygiene!
No. I think not. I love my dogs but I certainly don't see the need to be taking them to a restaurant at all!
I think Parliament should keep their noses out of everything. A personal choice. I have just recently dined on Ponsonby Road with doggies, but outside. It was the best night of my life, and I will remember it always. For those that don't like dogs, then don't go there. For those that don't really care, then go there. It is mostly lapdogs and well behaved ones that are taken out. I can't imagine great danes and pitbulls and alsatians dining in the elite. For God's sake what next.
Only if they are guide dogs.
For goodness sake let's get on with the real serious issues in NZ that are the worst in the entire world. Start solving the problem of battered children and elderly, first and foremost. Then the paedophiles, worst in the world, then everything else that we top the charts.
Some cafes have dog parking outside by tables which I think is kinda cool, but nah not inside. While they're at it, ban noisy kids from restaurants too, they put me off my creme brulee.
Eeeeeek - No way would I drink or dine in a Restaurant and bar with an animal in the premises.
Only guide dogs and service dogs.
Why should animals have more rights than people. I am a non smoker but what's happening to the world, why you're not allowed to smoke in an establishment but you can bring in a dog. Really?
Nek Minnit. Dogs will be allowed to vote!
Yes. Blind people can take their dog so why can't I?
Hell no.
Only poodles.
That's stupid.
No way!