Our readers' comments on our story about Gavin Hayes and his trouble with teen tormentors:
I am sad to hear this. Gabby is my great-uncle and only one left on my grandad's side. He is too generous and kind for his own good and will help anyone. Love my uncle gabby very dearly and it's so good when he is mobile. It gives him his independence as he says and keeps him alive. If you ask where his family are, we are here some in Rotorua and some in Aussie but we are here. Maybe Uncle Gabby it's time now to come live with one of us. Uncle Gab has always been very independent and wanted to live on his own despite us trying to encourage him to come home with us. Thank you to everyone who is doing what they can for my uncle and I will too join in sorting him another car, your help is greatly appreciated love to you all for caring for what I know is an awesome man who has helped many many people in his life over the years. _ Rachael Kennedy
I read with horror the article on the front page and the view that Kelly Makiha wrote on page A6. I am sure that others within the community were also enraged that this could happen to a very vulnerable elderly gentleman, to the extent that he now wishes to die. Is it possible for a trust fund to be established to enable the public to donate money to ensure that he can obtain another car and at least obtain car insurance? I for one will be more than happy to donate towards his recovery. His faith in human nature must have been surely dented ... let's help him recover that and show him what Rotorua people can do.
How disgusting. That poor man, my heart breaks for him :( wish I could help, but I don't drive.
Poor old guy! What's wrong with kids these days!