What's a prospective investor to do?
Whether a small or big time investor, it must be a worry these days as to who to trust with your dollars. With the collapse of 20-plus financial investment companies over the past few years, investors wouldn't know who to trust and how safe their money would be. When they settle on a firm to manage their investment, it may well be a matter of "taking their chances and fingers crossed".
To avoid being taken to the cleaners, investors were told to undertake thorough due diligence on fund managers before handing over their money. It appears that most of the money lost by the investment companies that went belly up in recent years was exactly that, the hard-earned money of everyday working people.
Those who refused instant gratification and worked hard to build up their assets, including investment portfolio. Most wanted to ensure they had sufficient to live on when they stopped working. Reports of those losing their life savings are numerous. Lives are now shattered because they trusted what they were told.
The latest case of Ross Asset Management, now in the hands of receivers, is merely recent history repeating itself. Investors did check out the firm though. They were impressed. It wasn't a "new kid on the block", being a well-established Wellington fund management business. Investors were presented with forecasts and factual information. They asked questions and did everything they could to ensure they were dealing with a reputable firm.