From 9am to 3pm, the geothermal park will offer train rides to Pōhutu Geyser, tītī tōrea (stick games), poi and haka lessons, cultural performances and lectures on Te Tiriti o Waitangi.
Te Puia geyser. Photo / Te Puia
A taonga market, bouncy castle and face painting will also be available.
Demonstrations of weaving, wood carving, stone and bone carving will be offered by the New Zealand Māori Arts and Crafts Institute, said Te Puia marketing and communications manager Jenha Phillips.
“Bring your whānau and friends along for a day of celebration and discovery,” Phillips said.
A Waitangi Day concert will be staged at Te Puia’s Te Whakaruruhau, featuring some of New Zealand’s foremost musicians and entertainers.
New Zealand band Cairo will be headlining the event, with the group Toru Mio also scheduled to perform.
Formed in 1979, Cairo features singers Rewa Ututaonga and Russell Harrison, Richard Anaru on lead guitar, Mickey Ututaonga on drums, Ernie Semu on keyboards, and Aucklander Richard Murray on bass.
They will perform a mix of old school, soul, R&B, and Kiwi classics, for concertgoers to enjoy and dance to, Phillips said.
Toru Mio is comprised of Tamati Cassidy, Paretoroa Webster Tarei, and Hunter Geary, who are trained.
“They will perform classic songs in Māori, Italian, Spanish and English,” Phillips said.
Toru Mio, with Tamati Cassidy, Paretoroa Webster Tarei, and Hunter Geary, all trained in opera and performing arts. Photo / Supplied
Waitangi - for the love of the people
From 10am to 3pm visitors will be able to explore markets, enjoy performing arts, learn about local history and choose from a wide range of food and drink.
The event is organised by the Tunohopu Marae Trust and held in Ōhinemutu from Arataua St to Rotorua Lakefront.
Visual arts, health treatments and sports will also be on offer.
Tauranga City Council’s annual Tauranga Moana Waitangi Day dawn service will again be held at Hopukiore (Mt Drury Reserve).
Tangata whenua will offer a welcome at 6.30am, followed by hymns and kapa haka.
Local kaumātua (elders), clergy from community church groups, civic leaders and rangatahi (youth) will then speak, and the ceremony will close at 8am with karakia.
Waitangi Day Festival
The Historic Village at 17th Ave will host its fifth Tauranga Moana Waitangi Day Festival on Tuesday, with the aim of creating unity among the people of New Zealand.
Māori art workshops, craft stalls, and performances from local musicians and cultural groups will be on offer, as will food trucks and a Treaty Storyboard Trail.
Free health and wellbeing checks and testing for diabetes and blood pressure will be available, as will informational talks by Te Aronga Toi Whenua Peka (The Māori Womens Welfare League) about mana wahine, healthy homes, and immunisations.
Te Rā o Waitangi - Katikati
Katikati’s Western Bay Museum will host its second Te Rā o Waitangi: A Katikati Commemoration of Waitangi Day.
Karakia and the raising of the Tino Rangatiratanga and New Zealand flags at 6.30am will be followed by the national anthem led by the Tongan Brass Band.
Following the official service and a time for kai two free movies will play at the Arts Junction Theatre - Whina and Boy.