Devin "Supertramp" Graham shot a video with more than 50 extras at Zorb.
Devin "Supertramp" Graham shot a video with more than 50 extras at Zorb.
A video filmed at Zorb Rotorua by a YouTube celebrity has become an international hit online.
Since being uploaded to the site on Monday, Indiana Jones in Real Life! In 4K has racked up nearly 800,000 views.
Media outlets all over the world including Time, People and ESPN have shared the clip, which is a send-up of the boulder scene from Indiana Jones: Raiders of the Lost Ark.
Zorbs roll down a hill as people scramble to get away.
More than 50 Rotorua fans and film enthusiasts starred as extras in the action video at Zorb.
One of those who took part said on Facebook it had been a long day to get the video just right - but it had been worth it.
"Nine hours of filming for a 3 minute long video ... such an epic day though."
An earlier version of the video was uploaded soon after filming this summer, and Zorb Rotorua general manager, Alyssa Bennett, said the effect of its popularity had been noticeable. "Since January we have had a lot of fans come through ... That's the power of these kind of promotions in the tourism industry."
She said when members of the team at Zorb had been approached about filming the video there, they had jumped at the chance.
"We thought it was a really cool opportunity to promote tourism for Rotorua and New Zealand ... When people come to us for that reason, we're all over it like a rash."
If such a video was ever going to be filmed, it was only right for it to be done in Rotorua.
Zorbing was invented in New Zealand in 1994 and the first official course was the one in Western Rd that has now become an international star.